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龚威 教授

作者:   时间:2012-12-12   点击数:






兼任IEEESection 成员发展主席(MembershipDevelopment Chair)、ISPRS国际摄影测量与遥感学会VI/IV工作组副主席、The4th ISALSaRS(第四届国际光散射与遥感大会)主席、TheFirst Multispectral LidarWorkshop(首届多光谱激光雷达国际会议)主席、中国光学工程学会理事、中国宇航学会空间遥感专业委员会委员;以及三十余个国际知名期刊编委和审稿人,等。

















2006.12-目前武汉大学 教授 /博士生导师

2005.01-2006.11武汉大学 副教授

2002.07-2004.12美国汉普顿大学 研究助理教授

2000.12-2002.06美国汉普顿大学 博士后

1999.09-2000.11武汉邮电科学研究院 高级 研发人员

1996.09-1999.09华中科技大学 博士研究生


1989.09-1993.08华中科技大学 本科


Huizheng Che; Xiangao Xia; Hujia Zhao;Oleg Dubovik;Brent N. Holben;Philippe Goloub; Emilio Cuevas-Agulló; Victor Estelles;Yaqiang Wang;Jun Zhu;Bing Qi;Wei Gong; Honglong Yang;Renjian Zhang;Leiku Yang;Jing Chen;Hong Wang;Yu Zheng;Ke Gui1;Xiaochun Zhang;Xiaoye Zhang.Spatial distribution of aerosol microphysical and optical properties and direct radiative effect from the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.acp-2019-405 (研究论文)

Jihong Yu(#)(*);Wei Gong(*); Jiangchuan Liu; Lin Chen; Kehao Wang,On Efficient Tree-Based Tag Search in Large-Scale RFID Systems,IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw,2019, 27(1): 42-55 (期刊论文)

Wei Gong(#)(*);Baoxian Zhang(*);Cheng Li,Location-Based Online Task Assignment and Path Planning for Mobile Crowdsensing,IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology,2019,68(2): 1772-1783 (期刊论文)

林恒(#); 龚威; 史硕, 利用等边长正交格网进行层次聚合聚类 , 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2018, 43(5): 786~791 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Gong Wei; Ma Yingying(*); Zhang Ming; Yang Jian; Zhang Miao, Surface Aerosol Optical Properties during High and Low Pollution Periods at an Urban Site in Central China , Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2018.12,18(12): 3035~3046 (期刊论文)

Du Lin(#)(*); Gong Wei; Yang Jian, Application of spectral indices and reflectance spectrum on leaf nitrogen content analysis derived from hyperspectral LiDAR data , Optics and Laser Technology, 2018.11, 107: 372~379 (期刊论文)

Zhang Tianhao(#); Zhu Zhongmin; Gong Wei(*); Zhu Zerun; Sun Kun(*); Wang Lunche; Huang Yusi; Mao Feiyue; Shen Huanfeng; Li Zhiwei; Xu Kai, Estimation of ultrahigh resolution PM2.5 concentrations in urban areas using 160 m Gaofen-1 AOD retrievals , Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018.10, 216: 91~104 (期刊论文)

Mao Feiyue(#); Pan Zengxin(*); Henderson David S; Wang Wei; Gong Wei, Ver tically resolved physical and radiative response of ice clouds to aerosols during the Indian summer monsoon season , Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018.10, 216: 171~182 (期刊论文)

Mao Feiyue(#); Pan Zengxin; Wang Wei(*); Li Siwei; Gong Wei, Iterative method for determining boundaries and lidar ratio of permeable layer of a space lidar , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2018.10,218: 125~130 (期刊论文)

Zang Lin(#); Mao Feiyue(*); Guo Jianping(*); Gong Wei; Wang Wei; Pan Zengxin, Estimating hourly PM1 concentrations from Himawari-8 aerosol optical depth in China , Environmental Pollution, 2018.10, 241: 654~663 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Liu Jiqiao(*); Gong Wei; Wang Wei; Zhang Ming, Graphics algorithm for deriving atmospheric boundary layer heights from CALIPSO data , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2018.09.7, 11(9): 5075~5085 (期刊论文)

Yang Jian(#); Song Shalei(*); Du Lin; Shi Shuo; Gong Wei; Sun Jia; Chen Biwu, Analyzing the Effect of Fluorescence Characteristics on Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Estimation , Remote Sensing, 2018.09, 10(9): 1402 (期刊论文)

Zhang Ming(#)(*); Wang Yi(*); Ma Yingying; Wang Lunche; Gong Wei; Liu Boming, Spatial distribution and temporal variation of aerosol optical depth and radiative effect in South China and its adjacent area , Atmospheric Environment, 2018.09, 188: 120~128 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Zhang Ming; Wang Wei; Shi Yifan, Comparison of AOD from CALIPSO, MODIS, and Sun Photometer under Different Conditions over Central China , Scientific Reports, 2018.07.3, 8: 10066 (期刊论文)

Xiang Chengzhi(#); Han Ge(*); Zheng Yuxin; Ma Xin; Gong Wei, Improvement of CO2-DIAL Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Lifting Wavelet Transform , Sensors, 2018.07, 18(7): 2362 (期刊论文)

Han Ge(#); Xu Hao(*); Gong Wei(*); Liu Jiqiao; Du Juan; Ma Xin; Liang Ailin, Feasibility Study on Measuring Atmospheric CO2 in Urban Areas Using Spaceborne CO2-IPDA LIDAR , Remote Sensing, 20 8.07, 10(7): 985 (期刊论文)

Zhang Ming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Liu Boming; Shi Yifan; Chen ZhongYong, Aerosol optical properties and radiative effects: Assessment of urban aerosols in central China using 10-year observations , Atmospheric Environment, 2018.06, 182: 275~285 (期刊论文)

Sun Jia(#); Shi Shuo(*); Yang Jian(*); Chen Biwu; Gong Wei; Du Lin; Mao Feiyue; Song Shalei, Estimating leaf chlorophyll status using hyperspectral lidar measurements by PROSPECT model inversion , Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018.06, 212: 1~7 (期刊论文)

Zhang Miao(#); Wang Lunche(*); Bilal Muhammad; Gong Wei(*); Zhang Ziyue; Guo Guangmeng, The Characteristics of the Aerosol Optical Depth within the Lowest Aerosol Layer over the Tibetan Plateau from 2007 to 2014 , Remote Sensing, 2018.05, 10(5): 696 (期刊论文)

Pan Zengxin(#); Mao Feiyue(*); Wang Wei; Zhu Bo; Lu Xin; Gong Wei, Impac ts of 3D Aerosol, Cloud, and Water Vapor Variations on the Recent Brightening during the South Asian Monsoon Season , Remote Sensing, 2018.04, 10(4): 651 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Zhang Ming; Yang Jian, Determin ation of boundary layer top on the basis of the characteristics of atmospheric particles , Atmospheric Environment, 2018.04, 178: 140~147 (期刊论文)

Zhang Ming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Wang Lunche(*); Gong Wei; Hu Bo; Shi Yifan, Spatial-temporal characteristics of aerosol loading over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2015 , International Journal of Climatology, 2018.03.30, 38(4): 2138~2152 (期刊论文)

Lu Xin(#); Mao Feiyue(*); Pan Zengxin(*); Gong Wei; Wang Wei; Tian Liqiao; Fang Shenghui, Three-Dimensional Physical and Optical Characteristics of Aerosols over Central China from Long-Term CALIPSO and HYSPLIT Data , Remote Sensing, 2018.02, 10(2): 314 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Jian Yang; Ming Zhang, Two-wave length Lidar inversion algorithm for determining planetary boundary layer height , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2018.02,206:117~124 (期刊论文)

Yang Jian(#)(*); Du Lin; Gong Wei; Shi Shuo; Sun Jia; Chen Biwu, Potenti al of vegetation indices combined with laser-induced fluorescence parameters for monitoring leaf nitrogen content in paddy rice , PLos One, 2018.01.17, 13(1): e0191068 (期刊论文)

Sun Jia(#); Shi Shuo(*); Yang Jian(*); Du Lin; Gong Wei; Chen Biwu; Song Shalei, Analyzing the performance of PROSPECT model inversion based on different spectral information for leaf biochemical properties retrieval , ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2018.01, 135: 74~83 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Zhang Ming; Yang Jian, Study of continuous air pollution in winter over Wuhan based on ground-based and satellite observations , Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018.01, 9(1):156~165 (期刊论文)

(25) Lin Heng(#)(*); Gong Wei(*), Gradually morphing a thematic map series based on cellular automata , International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2018, 32(1): 102~119 (期刊论文)

Liu Boming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Zhang Tianhao; Shi Yifan, STUDY OF HAZE POLLUTION DURING WINTER IN WUHAN, CHINA , 38th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2018.07.22-2018.07.27 (会议论文)

Pan, Zengxin(#); Mao, Feiyue(*); Gong, Wei; Min, Qilong; Wang, Wei, The warming of Tibetan Plateau enhanced by 3D variation of low-level clouds during daytime , Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017.9.1, 198: 363~368 (期刊论文)

邵君宜(#); 林兆祥; 刘林美; 龚威, 1.572μm附近CO_2吸收光谱的测量,物理学报, 2017.5, (10): 141~148 (期刊论文)

Videen, Gorden(#); Sun, Wenbo; Gong, Wei, Advances in atmospheric light scattering theory and remote-sensing techniques , Journal of QuantitativeSpectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017.2, 188: 1~2 (期刊论文)

Mao, Feiyue(#); Min, Qilong(*); Liu, Guangyi; Liu, Chun; Feng, Shuanglei; Jin, Shuanglong; Hu, Ju; Gong, Wei; Li, Chen, Assimilating moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer radiance with the weather research and forecasting data assimilation system , JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 2017.7.10, 11: 036002 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#)(*); Sun, Jia; Du, Lin; Chen, Biwu; Zhang, Zhenbing; Shi,Shuo; Gong, Wei(*), Monitoring of Paddy Rice Varieties Based on the Combination of the Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Multivariate Analysis , Food Analytical Methods, 2017.7, 10(7): 2398~2403 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#)(*); Shi, Shuo(*); Gong, Wei; Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Song, Shalei, The characterization of plant species using first-derivative fluorescence spectra , Luminescence, 2017.5, 32(3): 348~352 (期刊论文)

Zhang Ming(#); Wang Lunche(*); Gong Wei(*); Ma Yingying; Liu Boming, Aero sol Optical Properties and Direct Radiative Effects over Central China , Remote Sensing, 2017.10, 9(10): 997 (期刊论文)

Zhang Ming(#); Ma Yingying(*); Gong Wei; Wang Lunche(*); Xia Xiangao; Che Huizheng; Hu Bo; Liu Boming, Aerosol radiative effect in UV, VIS, NIR, and SW spectra under haze and high-humidity urban conditions , Atmospheric Environment, 2017.10, 166: 9~21 (期刊论文)

Gong Wei(#); Huang Yusi; Zhang Tianhao(*); Zhu Zhongmin(*); Ji Yuxi; Xiang Hao, Impact and Suggestion of Column-to-Surface Vertical Correction Scheme on the Relationship between Satellite AOD and Ground-Level PM2.5 in China , Remote Sensing, 2017.10, 9(10): 1038 (期刊论文)

Sun Jia(#); Yang Jian(*); Shi Shuo(*); Chen Biwu; Du Lin; Gong Wei; Song Shalei, Estimating Rice Leaf Nitrogen Concentration: Influence of Regression Algorithms Based on Passive and Active Leaf Reflectance , Remote Sensing, 2017.09, 9(9): 951 (期刊论文)

Han Ge(#); Ma Xin; Liang Ailin; Zhang Tianhao; Zhao Yannan; Zhang Miao; Gong Wei, Performance Evaluation for China's Planned CO2-IPDA , Remote Sensing, 2017.08, 9(8): 768 (期刊论文)

Wang Wei(#); Pan Zengxin; Mao Feiyue(*); Gong Wei; Shen Longjiao, Evalua tion of VIIRS Land Aerosol Model Selection with AERONET Measurements , Interna tional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017.09, 14(9):1016 (期刊论文)

Han Ge(#); Xu Hao(*); Gong Wei; Ma Xin; Liang Ailin, Simulations of a multi-wavelength differential absorption lidar method for CO2 measurement , Applied Optics, 2017.10.20, 56(30): 8532~8540 (期刊论文)

Han Ge(#); Cui Xiaohui; Liang Ailin; Ma Xin(*); Zhang Teng; Gong Wei, A CO2 Profile Retrieving Method Based on Chebyshev Fitting for Ground-Based DIAL , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017.11, 55(11):6099~6110 (期刊论文)

Yang Jian(#)(*); Du Lin; Gong Wei(*); Sun Jia; Shi Shuo; Chen Biwu, Appli cation of the chlorophyll fluorescence ratio in evaluation of paddy ricenitrogen status , Plant Soil and Environment, 27, 63(9): 396~401 (期刊论文)

Wang Wei(#); Mao Feiyue; Du Lin; Pan Zengxin; Gong Wei; Fang Shenghui, Deriving Hourly PM2.5 Concentrations from Himawari-8 AODs overBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei in China , Remote Sensing, 2017.08, 9(8): 858 (期刊论文)

Wang Lunche(#); Hu Bo; Kisi Ozgur; Zounemat Kermani Mohammad; Gong Wei(*), Prediction of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation using differentsoft computing techniques , Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2017.07, 143(706): 2235~2244 (期刊论文)

Liang Ailin(#); Gong Wei; Han Ge; Xiang Chengzhi, Comparison of Satellite-Observed XCO2 from GOSAT, OCO-2, and Ground-Based TCCON , Remote Sensing, 2017.10, 9(10): 1033 (期刊论文)

Jiao, Jing(#); Yang, Guotao; Wang, Jihong; Cheng, Xuewu; Du, Lifang; Wang, Zelong; Gong, Wei, Initial multi-parameter detection of atmospheric metal layers by Beijing Na-K lidar , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017.2, 188: 46~51 (期刊论文)

Zhang, Tianhao(#); Zeng, Chao; Gong, Wei; Wang, Lunche(*); Sun, Kun;Shen, Huanfeng; Zhu, Zhongmin(*); Zhu, Zerun, Improving Spatial Coverage for Aqua MODIS AOD Using NDVI-Based Multi-Temporal Regression Analysis , Remote Sensing, 2017.4, 9(4): 340 (期刊论文)

Chen, Biwu(#); Shi, Shuo(*); Gong, Wei(*); Zhang, Qingjun; Yang, Jian; Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Zhang, Zhenbing; Song, Shalei, Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification: A Two-Step Approach , Remote Sensing, 2017.4, 9(4): 373 (期刊论文)

Sun, Jia(#); Shi, Shuo(*); Gong, Wei(*); Yang, Jian; Du, Lin; Song, Shalei; Chen, Biwu; Zhang, Zhenbing, Evaluation of hyperspectral LiDAR for monitoring rice leaf nitrogen by comparison with multispectral LiDAR and passive spectrometer , Scientific Reports, 2017.1.16, 7: 40362 (期刊论文)

Qi, Zhong(#); Zhang, Teng(*); Han, Ge(*); Li, Dongcang; Ma, Xin; Gong, Wei, A nonlinear merging method of analog and photon signals for CO2 detection in lower altitudes using differential absorption lidar , Optics Communications, 2017.4.1, 388: 68~76 (期刊论文)

Wang, Wei(#); Mao, eiyue(*); Pan, Zengxin; Du, Lin; Gong, Wei, Validati on of VIIRS AOD through a Comparison with a Sun Photometer and MODIS AODs over Wuhan , Remote Sensing, 2017.5, 9(5): 403 (期刊论文)

Du, Lin(#); Shi, Shuo(*); Yang, Jian; Wang, Wei(*); Sun, Jia; Cheng, Biwu; Zhang, Zhenbing; Gong, Wei, Potential of spectral ratio indices derived from hyperspectral LiDAR and laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence spectra on estimating rice leaf nitrogen contents , Optics Express, 2017.3.20, 25(6):6539~6549 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Chen, Yisen; Niu, Ying; Ariel Salazar, German; Gong, Wei, Analysis of Atmospheric Turbidity in Clear Skies at Wuhan, Central China , JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE, 2017.8, 28(4): 729~738 (期刊论文)

Shao Jun-Yi(#); Lin Zhao-Xiang(*); Liu Lin-Mei; Gong Wei, Measurement of absorption spectrum around 1.572 mu m , ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2017.5.20, 66(10): 104206 (期刊论文)


Yang, Jian(#)(*); Sun, Jia; Du, Lin; Chen, Biwu; Zhang, Zhenbing; Shi, Shuo; Gong, Wei, Effect of fluorescence characteristics and different algorithms on the estimation of leaf nitrogen content based on laser-induced fluorescence lidar in paddy rice , Optics Express, 2017.2.20, 25(4): 3743~3755 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Kisi, Ozgur; Zounemat-Kermani, Mohammad; Zhu, Zhongmin; Gong, Wei; Niu, Zigeng; Liu, Hongfu; Liu, Zhengjia, Prediction of solar radiation in China using different adaptive neuro-fuzzy methods and M5 model tree , International Journal of Climatology, 2017.3.15, 37(3): 1141~1155 (期刊论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Yang, Jian(*); Shi, Shuo; Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Song, Shalei, The application of time decay characteristics of laser-induced fluorescence in the classification of vegetation , Luminescence, 2017.2, 32(1): 17~21 (期刊论文)

Liang, Ailin(#); Han, Ge; Gong, Wei(*); Yang, Jie; Xiang, Chengzhi, Comp arison of Global X-CO2 Concentrations From OCO-2 With TCCON Data in Terms of Latitude Zones , IEEE JOURNAL OF SELE TED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2017.6, 10(6): 2491~2498 (期刊论文)

Yang Jian(#); hi huo(*); Gong Wei; Du Lin; Zhu Bo; Ma Ying-ying; Sun Jia, Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectrum Characteristics of Paddy under Nitrogen Stress , Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016.2, 36(2): 537~540 (期刊论文)

(60) Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Kisi, Ozgur; Zounemat-Kermani, Mohammad; Ariel Salazar, German; Zhu, Zhongmin; Gong, Wei, Solar radiation prediction using different techniques: model evaluation and comparison , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016.8, 61: 384~397 (期刊论文)

杨健(#); 史硕; 龚威; 杜霖; 祝波; 马盈盈; 孙嘉, 氮胁迫下水稻的激光诱导荧光光谱特性 , 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016.2.15, (02): 537~540 (期刊论文)

(62) Yang Jian(#)(*); Gong Wei; Shi Shuo; Du Lin; Sun Jia; Song Sha-lei; Ma Ying-ying, The Effect of Chlorophyll Concentration of Paddy Rice on the Fluorescence Spectrum , Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016.10, 36(10):3410~3413 (期刊论文)

Du, Lin(#); Shi, Shuo(*); Yang, Jian; Sun, Jia; Gong, Wei(*), Using Different Regression Methods to Estimate Leaf Nitrogen Content in Rice by Fusing Hyperspectral LiDAR Data and Laser-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data, Remote Sensing, 2016.6, 8(6): 526 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#)(*); Gong, Wei(*); Shi, Shuo; Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Song, Shalei; Chen, Biwu; Zhang, Zhenbing, Analyzing the performance of fluorescence parameters in the monitoring of leaf nitrogen content of paddy rice , Scientific Reports, 2016.6.28, 6: 28787 (期刊论文)

Yang, J.(#); Gong, W.; Shi, S.(*); Du, L.; Sun, J.; Song, S. -L., Estima tion of nitrogen content based on fluorescence spectrum and principal component analysis in paddy rice , Plant Soil and Environment, 2016, 62(4): 178~183 (期刊论文)

Zhang Miao(#)(*); Han Ge; Sun Jia; Gong Wei, TWO-WAVELENGTH DEPOLARIZATION MIE LIDAR FOR TROPOSPHERIC AEROSOL MEASUREMENTS , 36th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016.07.10-2016.07.15 (会议论文)

Zhang Tianhao(#); Gong Wei; Wang Wei; Ji Yuxi; Zhu Zhongmin; Huang Yusi, Ground Level PM2.5 Estimates over hina Using Satellite-Based Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) Models Are Improved by Including NO2 and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016.12, 13(12): 1215 (期刊论文)

Wang Wei(#); Mao Feiyue; Gong Wei; Pan Zengxin; Du Lin, Evaluating the Governing Factors of Variability in Nocturnal Boundary Layer Height Based on Elastic Lidar in Wuhan , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016.11, 13(11): 0~UNSP 1071 (期刊论文)

Zhang Tianhao(#); Liu Gang; Zhu Zhongmin(*); Gong Wei; Ji Yuxi; Huang Yusi, Real-Time Estimation of Satellite-Derived PM2.5 Based on a Semi-Physical Geographically Weighted Regression Model , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016.10, 13(10): 974 (期刊论文)

Shi Shuo(#)(*); Gong Wei; Du Lin; Sun Jia; Yang Jian, POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF NOVEL HYPERSPECTRAL LIDAR FOR MONITORING CROPS NITROGEN STRESS , 23rd Congress of the International-Society-for-Photogrammetry-and-Remote-Sensing (ISPRS), 2016.07.12-2016.07.19 (会议论文)

Han Ge(#)(*); Gong Wei; Cui Xiaohui; Zhang Miao; Chen Jun, ESTIMATION OF INSULATOR CONTAMINATIONS BY MEANS OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUE , 23rd Congress of the International-Society-for-Photogrammetry-and-Remote-Sensing (ISPRS), 2016.07.12-2016.07.19 (会议论文)

Yang Jian(#)(*); Gong Wei; Shi Shuo; Du Lin; Sun Jia; Song Shalei, THE EFFECTIVE OF DIFFERENT EXCITATION WAVELENGTHS ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF PLANT SPECIES BASED ON FLUORESCENCE LIDAR , 23rd Congress of the International-Society-for-Photogrammetry-and-Remote-Sensing (ISPRS), 2016.07.12-2016.07.19 (会议论文)

Liang Ailin(#)(*); Gong Wei; Han Ge, OCO-2 XCO2 VALIDATION USING TCCON DATA , 36th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS), 2016.07.10-2016.07.15 (会议论文)

Han Ge(#)(*); Zhang Miao; Cui Xiaohui; Liang Ailin; Gong Wei, AGROUND-BASED DIFFERENTIAL ABSORPTION LIDAR FOR ATMOSPERIC CO2 DETECTION , 36th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016.07.10-2016.07.15 (会议论文)

Ma Xin(#); Gong Wei; Zhu Zhongmin(*), THE STUDY OF LONG-TERM AIR POLLUTION CHARACTERISTIC IN WUHAN, CHINA , 36th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016.07.10-2016.07.15 (会议论文)

Du Lin(#); Shi Shuo; Gong Wei(*); Yang Jian; Sun Jia; Mao Feiyue, WAVELE NGTH SELECTION OF HYPERSPECTRAL LIDAR BASED ON FEATURE WEIGHTING FOR ESTIMATION OF LEAF NITROGEN CONTENT IN RICE , 23rd Congress of the International-Society-for-Photogrammetry-and-Remote-Sensing(ISPRS),2016.07.12-2016.07.19 (会议论文)

Pan Zengxin(#); Mao Feiyue(*); Gong Wei(*); Wang Wei; Yang Jie, Observati on of clouds macrophysical characteristics in China by CALIPSO , Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2016.09.22, 10(3): 036028 (期刊论文)

Xiang Chengzhi(#); Ma Xin(*); Han Ge; Liang Ailin; Gong Wei, ON-LINE WAVELENGTH CALIBRATION OF PULSED LASER FOR CO2 DIFFERENTIAL ABSORPTION LIDAR,23rd Congress of the International-Society-for-Photogrammetry-and-Remote-Sensing (ISPRS), 2016.07.12-2016.07.19 (会议论文)

Ma Xin(#)(*); Xiang Chengzhi; Gong Wei, A UNIVERSAL DE-NOISING ALGORITHM FOR GROUND-BASED LIDAR SIGNAL , 23rd Congress of the International-Society-for-Photogrammetry-and-Remote-Sensing (ISPRS), 2016.07.12-2016.07.19 (会议论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Xiang, Chengzhi(*); Mao, Feiyue; Ma, Xin; Liang, Ailin, Wa velet modulus maxima method for on-line wavelength location of pulsed lidar in CO2 differential absorption lidar detection , PHOTONICS RESEARCH, 2016.4.1, 4(2): 74~83 (期刊论文)

Ma, Yingying(#); Gong, Wei(*); Wang, Lunche; Zhang, Ming; Chen, Zhongyong; Li, Jun; Yang, Jian, Inversion of the haze aerosol sky columnar AVSD in central China by combining multiple ground observation equipment , Optics Express, 2016.4.18, 24(8): 8170~8185 (期刊论文)

Zhang, Tianhao(#); Zhu, Zhongmin(*); Gong, Wei; Xiang, Hao; Li, Ying; Cui, Zhenzhen, Characteristics of Ultrafine Particles and Their Relationships with Meteorological Factors and Trace Gases in Wuhan, Central China , Atmosphere, 2016.8, 7(8): 96 (期刊论文)

Wang, Wei(#); Gong, Wei(*); Mao, Feiyue(*); Pan, Zengxin, An Improved Iterative Fitting Method to Estimate Nocturnal Residual Layer Height , Atmosphere, 2016.8, 7(8): 106 (期刊论文)

Zhang, Tianhao(#); Zhu, Zhongmin(*); Gong, Wei; Xiang, Hao; Fang, Ruimin,Characteristics of Fine Particles in an Urban Atmosphere-Relationships with Meteorological Parameters and Trace Gases , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016.8, 13(8): 807 (期刊论文)

Wang, Wei(#); Gong, Wei(*); Mao, Feiyue(*); Pan, Zengxin; Liu, Boming, Me asurement and Study of Lidar Ratio by Using a Raman Lidar in Central China , I nternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016.5, 13(5):508 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#); Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Zhang, Zhenbing; Chen, Biwu; Shi,Shuo(*); Gong, Wei; Song, Shalei, Estimating the leaf nitrogen content of paddy rice by using the combined reflectance and laser-induced fluorescence spectra,Optics Express,2016.8.22,24(17):19354~19365 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Shi, Shuo(*); Du, Lin; Zhu, Bo; Sun, Jia; Song, Shalei, Excitation Wavelength Analysis of Laser-Induced Fluorescence LiDAR for Identifying Plant Species , IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016.7, 13(7): 977~981 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Kisi, Ozgur; Zounemat-Kermani, Mohammad; Hu, Bo; Gon g, Wei, Modeling and comparison of hourly photosynthetically active radiation in different ecosystems , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016.4, 56:436~453 (期刊论文)

Zhang, Ming(#); Gong, Wei(*); Ma, Yingying; Wang, Lunche; Chen, Zhongyong,Transmission and division of total optical depth method: A universal calibration method for Sun photometric measurements , Geophysical Research Letters, 2016.3.28, 43(6): 2974~2980 (期刊论文)

Lin, Aiwen(#); Zou, Ling; Wang, Lunche(*); Gong, Wei; Zhu, Hongji; Ariel Salazar, German, Estimation of atmospheric turbidity coefficient beta over Zhengzhou, China during 1961-2013 using an improved hybrid model , Renewable Energy, 2016.2, 86: 1134~1144 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Shi, Shuo; Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Song, Sha-lei,Laser-induced fluorescence characteristics of vegetation by a new excitation wavelength,Spectroscopy Letters, 2016, 49(4):263~267 (期刊论文)

Cheng XueWu(#)(*); Yang Yong; Wang ZeLong; Li FaQuan; Yang GuoTao; Zhao ZhengYu; Gong Wei; Wang JiHong; Hu Xiong; Lin Xin; Wu XiaoCheng; Song ShaLei; Gong ShunSheng, Joint observation results of Na layer and ionosphere in Wuhan during the Total Solar Eclipse , Science China Earth Sciences, 2016.2, 59(2):418~424 (期刊论文)

Lin, Aiwen(#); Zhu, Hongji; Wang, Lunche(*); Gong, Wei; Zou, Ling, Chara cteristics of Long-Term Climate Change and the Ecological Responses in Central China,Earth Interactions, 2016.1, 20:1~24 (期刊论文)

Du, Lin(#); Gong, Wei(*); Shi, Shuo; Yang, Pan; Sun, Jia; Zhu, Bo; Song, Shalei, Estimation of rice leaf nitrogen contents based on hyperspectral LIDAR, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2016.2, 44: 136~143 (期刊论文)

Zou, Ling(#); Lin, Aiwen; Wang, Lunche(*); Xia, Xiangao; Gong, Wei; Zhu, Hongji; Zhao, Zhenzhen, Long-term variations of estimated global solar radiation and the influencing factors in Hunan province, China during 1980-2013, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2016.4, 128(2):155~165 (期刊论文)

Ma Xin(#); Gong Wei(*); Ma Ying-Ying; Fu Dong-Wei; Han Ge; Xiang Cheng-Zhi, Research on the frequency stabilization of pulsed differential absorbing lidar for CO2 detection based on matching algorithm , ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2015.8.5, 64(15): 154215 (期刊论文)

Han Ge(#); Gong Wei(*); Ma Xin; Xiang Cheng-Zhi; Liang Ai-Lin; Zheng Yu-Xin, A ground-based differential absorption lidar for atmospheric vertical CO2 profiling , ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2015.12.20, 64(24): 244206 (期刊论文)

Yang, J.(#)(*); Gong, W.; Shi, S.; Du, L.; Sun, J.; Ma, Y. -Y.; Song, S. -L., Accurate identification of nitrogen fertilizer application of paddy rice using laser-induced fluorescence combined with support vector machine , PLANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT, 2015, 61(11): 501~506 (期刊论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Wang, Wei(*); Mao, Feiyue; Zhang, Jinye, Improved method for retrieving the aerosol optical properties without the numerical derivative for Raman-Mie lidar , OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2 15.8.15, 349: 145~150 (期刊论文)

Ge Han(#); Wei Gong(*); Hong Lin; Xin Ma; Chengzhi Xiang, Study on influences of atmospheric factors on vertical CO2 profile retrieving from ground-based DIAL at 1.6 µm, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 53(6): 3221~3234 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Hu, Bo; Lin, Aiwen; Li, Hui; Zou, Ling, M odeling and analysis of the spatiotemporal variations of photosynthetically active radiation in China during 1961-2012 , RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2015.9, 49:1019~1032 (期刊论文)

Feng, Lan(#); Wang, Lunche(*); Gong, Wei; Lin, Aiwen; Hu, Bo, Estimation of hourly and daily ultraviolet solar irradiation under various sky conditions at Sanya, Southern China , THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 2015.7,121(1-2):187~198 (期刊论文)


Ma Yingying(#)(*); Gong Wei; Wang Lunche; Yan Fa, INVERSION OF AEROSOL SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS AND MULTI-SENSOR DATA , IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015.07.26-2015.07.31 (会议论文)

Yingying Ma(#); Wei Gong(*); Feiyue Mao, Transfer learning used to analyze the dynamic evolution of the dust aerosol , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015.3, 153: 119~130 (期刊论文)

Wei Gong(#); Ming Zhang; Lunche Wang; Bo Hu; Yingying Ma, Measurement and estimation of ultraviolet radiation in Pearl River Delta, China , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2015.2, 123: 63~70 (期刊论文)

Wang Lunche(#); Gong Wei(*); Xia Xiangao; Zhu Jun; Li Jun; Zhu Zhongmin Long-term observations of aerosol optical properties at Wuhan, an urban sitein Central China , Atmospheric Environment, 205,01: 94~102 (期刊论文)

朱忠敏(#); 韩舸; 龚威; 崔珍珍; 张淼, 武汉市空气污染物长期变化规律研究,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, (02): 280~286 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Feng, Lan; Lin, Aiwen; Hu, Bo; Zhou, Min,Estimation of hourly and daily photosynthetically active radiation in Inner Mongolia, China, from 1990 to 2012 , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2015.8, 35(10): 3120~3131 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Singh, Ramesh P.; Xia, Xiangao; Che, Huizheng; Zhang, Ming; Lin, Hong, Aerosol Optical Properties over Mount Song, a Rural Site in Central China , AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 2015.10, 15(5):2051~2064 (期刊论文)

段苗苗(#); 马盈盈; 龚威; 王伦澈, 利用微波辐射计观测计算云衰减 , 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2015.12.5, (12): 1606~1612 (期刊论文)

韩舸(#); 龚威; 马昕; 相成志; 梁艾琳; 郑玉新, 地基CO_2廓线探测差分吸收激光雷达, Acta Physica Sinica, 2015.11, (24): 230~238 (期刊论文)

马昕(#); 龚威; 马盈盈; 傅东伟; 韩舸; 相成志, 基于匹配算法的脉冲差分吸收CO_2激光雷达的稳频研究, Acta Physica Sinica, 2015.7, (15): 235~245 (期刊论文)

Mao, Feiyue(#); Duan, Miaomiao(*); Min, Qilong; Gong, Wei; Pan, Zengxin; Liu, Guangyi, Investigating the impact of haze on MODIS cloud detection,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2015.12.16, 120(23):237~247 (期刊论文)

Li, Chen(#); Pan, Zengxin; Mao, Feiyue(*); Gong, Wei; Chen, Shihua; Min, Qilong, De-noising and retrieving algorithm of Mie lidar data based on the particle filter and the Fernald method , OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015.10.5, 23(20):26509~26520 (期刊论文)

Pan, Zengxin(#); Gong, Wei(*); Mao, Feiyue; Li, Jun; Wang, Wei; Li, Chen; Min, Qilong, Macrophysical and optical properties of clouds over East Asia measured by CALIPSO , JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2015.11.27, 120(22): 653~668 (期刊论文)

Mao, Feiyue(#); Li, Jun; Li, Chen(*); Gong, Wei; Min, Qilong;Wang, Wei, Nonlinear physical segmentation algorithm for determining the layer boundary from lidar signal , OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015.11.30, 23(24): 1589~1602 (期刊论文)

Jiao, Jing(#); Yang, Guotao(*) ; Wang, Jihong; Cheng, Xuewu; Li, Faquan; Yang, Yong; Gong, Wei; Wang, Zelong; Du, Lifang; Yan, Chunxiao; Gong, Shunsheng,First report of sporadic K layers and comparison with sporadic Na layers at Beijing,China (40.6 degrees N, 116.2 degrees E) , JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 2015.6, 120(6): 5214~5225 (期刊论文)

Gong ShaoHua(#); Yang GuoTao(*); Cheng XueWu; Gong ShunSheng; Xu JiYao; Li FaQuan; Gong Wei; Wang JiHong, Lidar observation campaigns on diurnal variations of the sodium layer in Beijing and Wuhan, China , SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2015.8, 58(8):1377~1386 (期刊论文)

Lunche Wang(#); Germán Ariel Salazar; Wei Gong(*); Simao Peng; Ling Zou; Aiwen Lin, An improved method for estimating the Ångström turbidity coefficient β in Central China during 1961–2010 , Energy, 2015.3.1, 81:67~73 (期刊论文)

Lunche Wang(#); Wei Gong(*); Ming Luo; Wenfeng Wang; Bo Hu; Ming Zhang, Comparison of different UV models for cloud effect study , Energy,2015.2.1,80:695~705 (期刊论文)

Wang Lunche(#); Gong Wei(*); Hu Bo; Zhu Zhongmin, Analysis of photosynthetically active radiation in Northwest China from observation and estimation , International Journal of Biometeorology, 2015.2, 59(2): 193~204 (期刊论文)

Ling Ruan(#); Ge Han; Zhongmin Zhu; Miao Zhang; Wei Gong, Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Insulator Contaminations Revealed by Daily Observations of Equivalent Salt Deposit Density, Sensors, 2015, 15(2):3020~3040 (期刊论文)

Wei Gong(#); Xin Ma; Ge Han; Chengzhi Xiang; Ailin Liang; Weidong Fu, Method for wavelength stabilization of pulsed difference frequency laser at 1572 nm for CO2 detection lidar, Optics Express, 2015, 23(5): 6151~6170 (期刊论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Liang, Ailin(*); Han, Ge; Ma, Xin; Xiang, Chengzhi, Sensi tivity of on-line wavelength during retrieval of atmospheric CO2 vertical profile,PHOTONICS RESEARCH, 2015.8.1, 3(4):146~152 (期刊论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Liu, Boming(*); Ma, Yingying; Zhang, Miao, Mie LIDAR Observations of Tropospheric Aerosol over Wuhan , ATMOSPHERE, 2015.8, 6(8):1129~1140 (期刊论文)

Yang, Jian(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Shi, Shuo; Du, Lin; Sun, Jia; Zhu, Bo; Ma, Ying-ying; Song, Sha-lei, Vegetation identification based on characteristics of fluorescence spectral spatial distribution , RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5(70):56932~56935 (期刊论文)

Yang, J.(#); Shi, S.(*); Gong, W.; Du, L.; Ma, Y. Y.; Zhu, B.; Song, S. L., Application of fluorescence spectrum to precisely inverse paddy rice nitrogen content , PLANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT, 2015, 61(4): 182~188 (期刊论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Zhang, Tianhao(*); Zhu, Zhongmin; Ma, Yingying; Ma, Xin; Wang, Wei, Characteristics of PM1.0, PM2.5, and PM10, and Their Relation to Black Carbon in Wuhan, Central China , ATMOSPHERE, 2015.9, 6(9): 1377~1387 (期刊论文)

Gong, Wei(#); Sun, Jia(*); Shi, Shuo; Yang, Jian; Du, Lin; Zhu, Bo; Song, Shalei, Investigating the Potential of Using the Spatial and Spectral Information of Multispectral LiDAR for Object Classification , SENSORS, 2015.9,15(9): 21989~22002 (期刊论文)

Min, Lanxi(#); Gong, Wei; Liu, Guangyi; Min, Qilong(*), Understanding the synoptic variability of stratocumulus cloud liquid water path over the Southeastern Pacific, METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, 2015.12, 127(6):625~634 (期刊论文)

Mao, Feiyue(#); Wang, Wei; Min, Qilong; Gong, Wei(*), Approach for selecting boundary value to retrieve Mie-scattering lidar data based on segmentation and two-component fitting methods , OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015.6.1, 23(11): A604~A613 (期刊论文)

Wang, Lunche(#)(*); Gong, Wei; Feng, Lan; Hu, Bo, UV variability in an arid region of Northwest China from measurements and reconstructions , INTERNA TIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2015.6.30, 35(8): 1938~1947 (期刊论文)



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