Jiang, Y.; He, K.; Li, Y*.; Qin, M.; Cui, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, Y.; Chen, X.; Deng, M.; Gray, A.; Li, B.; et al. Driving Factors of Total Organic Carbon in Danjiangkou Reservoir Using Generalized Additive Model. Water 2022, 14, 891. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/w14060891

研究背景:南水北调工程是实现中国水资源优化配置、保障和改善民生的重大战略基础设施,是世界上最大的跨流域调水工程。总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)是全面反映水体含碳有机物污染程度的重要指标。TOC指溶解或悬浮在水中的有机物的碳含量(以质量浓度表示),包括溶解有机碳(dissolved organic
carbon,DOC)和颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon,POC)。TOC主要来源于浮游植物的光合作用、浮游生物的死亡和排泄物的降解、陆地有机物质的大量输入和湖泊沉积物的自然溶解等。它与人类的生态环境相互影响、相互制约。在检测方面,TOC具有速度快、精度高、产生危险废物少、不受潜在物质影响等优点,被认为是替代Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD)的一种水质指标。
结论:(1)2020年5月-2021年1月丹江口水库TOC浓度介于0.29~7.10 mg/L之间,均值为3.77 mg/L。TOC浓度呈现较明显的时空分布差异,在时间尺度上表现为春季>夏季>秋季>冬季;在空间尺度上呈现出水口>汉库>入库口>丹库。
讨论:结果表明,丹江口水库各位点综合营养状态指数(Comprehensive trophic level index,TLI)为贫中营养状态,水质整体较好。TOC浓度在时间上整体表现为春夏季高、秋冬季低的特征,在空间上从大到小的趋势是出水口>汉库>入库口>丹库。TOC浓度与环境因子单因素GAM模型分析显示,影响TOC浓度的主要驱动因子在时空上具有显著差异。在时间尺度上,秋季为水温(WT)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和氨氮(NH3-N),冬季为总氮(TN)和透明度(SD);在空间尺度上,丹库为WT、化学需氧量(COD)、NH3-N、TN和电导率(Cond),汉库为WT、COD、NH3-N、总磷(TP)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)。多因素GAM模型分析显示,影响TOC浓度的环境因子主要为WT、TN、Cond、CODMn和TP。其中WT和Cond与TOC浓度变化呈显著线性关系(edf=1,p<0.05),TN、CODMn和TP与TOC浓度变化浓度呈显著非线性关系(edf>1,p<0.05)。GAM模型可以较好地解释TOC浓度变化的主要驱动因子,可为丹江口水库水质评价及水库碳循环研究提供参考。
(International Joint Laboratory of Watershed Ecological Security for Water Source Region of Middle Route Project of South-North Water Diversion in Henan Province)

Driving Factors of Total Organic Carbon in Danjiangkou Reservoir Using Generalized Additive Model
Abstract: Dynamic changes in total organic carbon (TOC) concentration in lakes and reservoirs affect the functions of aquatic ecosystems and are a key component of water quality management, especially in drinking water sources. The Danjiangkou Reservoir is the water source area of the Middle Route Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion in China. Its water quality is of critical importance to the safety of water diversion. TOC concentration and other environmental factors at 19 sampling sites in the Danjiangkou Reservoir were investigated quarterly during 2020–2021 to explore the differences at the spatio-temporal scales. A generalized additive model (GAM) was used to analyze the environmental factors correlated with the observed spatio-temporal variations of TOC concentration. The results showed that the comprehensive trophic level index (TLI) of the Danjiangkou Reservoir was under the state of intermediate nutrition, and the water quality was overall good. In terms of temporal patterns, TOC concentration was higher in both spring and summer and lower in other seasons. Spatially, TOC concentrations were found in descending order from the site of outlet, Han reservoir, entrance of reservoir, and Dan reservoir. The single-factor GAM model showed that TOC correlated with different environmental factors across spatio-temporal scales. Water temperature (WT), permanganate index (CODMn), and ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) were significantly correlated with TOC in autumn, but only total nitrogen (TN) and transparency (SD) were significant in winter. Spatially, WT, chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH4+-N, TN, and conductivity (Cond) correlated with TOC in the Dan reservoir, but WT, COD, NH4+-N, total phosphorus (TP), and chlorophyll a (Chl.a) were significant in the Han reservoir. The multi-factor GAM model indicated that the environmental factors correlated with TOC concentration were mainly WT, TN, Cond, CODMn, and TP, among which WT and Cond showed a significant linear relationship with TOC concentration (edf = 1, p < 0.05), while TN, CODMn, and TP had a significant nonlinear relationship with TOC concentration (edf > 1, p < 0.05). Comprehensive trophic level index (TLI) and TOC concentration revealed a highly significant correlation (R2 = 0.414, p < 0.001). Therefore, the GAM model could well explain the environmental factors associated with the spatio-temporal dynamics of TOC concentration, providing a reference for the evaluation of water quality and research on the carbon cycle in similar inland reservoirs.
Keywords: total organic carbon; driving factors; generalized additive model (GAM); large freshwater reservoir