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发布日期:2022-03-12  文章来源:   点击数:

Chen, X.; Wang, X.; Li, Y.; Yao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Lei, X.; Liu, H.; Wu, N.; Fohrer, N. Succession and Driving Factors of Periphytic Community in the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Division (Henan, China). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 4089. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph19074089

第一作者:Xiaonuo Chen

通讯作者:Yuying Li



结果显示:着生藻类共有6门52属114种,其物种丰富度排序为硅藻(Bacillariophyta)>绿藻(Chlorophyta)>蓝藻(Cyanophyta),且秋季>夏季;优势类群包括桥弯(Cymbella sp.)、针杆藻(Synedra sp.)、舟形藻( Navicula sp.)、等片藻( Diatoma sp.)等;藻类丰度均值3.24×105 ind./cm2,秋季藻类丰度高于夏季.


南水北调中线干渠河南段着生藻群落与环境因子RDA排序(a) 蓝藻、绿藻和裸藻 (b)硅藻



RDA分析表明CODMnpH、DO、WT和TP是对着生硅藻群落变化影响最为显著的主要环境因子.WT、TP、ORP和NH3-N是共同驱动蓝藻门、绿藻门着生藻群落演替的主要环境因子. GAM模型拟合了环境因子对着生藻生物量的响应机制,表明Cond、TP、NH3-N和ORP是主导南水北调中线干渠河南段着生藻生物量的主要因素.


Succession and Driving Factors of Periphytic Community in the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Division (Henan, China)

Abstract: The Middle Route Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion is an artificially independent system that does not connect to other surface waters. Excessive periphyton proliferation causes a series of environmental problems in the canal. In this study, the periphyton community and environmental factors on the left and right banks of the canal in the algal growing area were investigated and sampled six times (June, September, and November of 2019 and 2020). The succession pattern of the attached organism community in the artificial canal was analyzed, and the key factors affecting the algal community were analyzed using RDA and GAM. The results showed that the seasonal variability of the environmental factors was more significant than the spatial variability. A total of 114 taxa of periphytic algae were found, belonging to seven phyla and 69 genera, and mainly composed of Bacillariophyta. Species richness was ranked as Bacillariophyta (60 taxa), Chlorophyta (31 taxa) and Cyanobacteria (15 taxa), and higher in autumn than in summer. The dominant taxa were Cymbella sp., Fragilaria sp., Navicula sp. and Diatoma sp. The abundance of periphytic algal varied from 0.07 × 105 to 8.99 × 105 ind./cm2, with trends similar to that of species richness. The redundancy analysis and generalized additive model showed that water temperature and nutrient concentration were the key factors influencing the structure of the algal community, followed by discharge rate and velocity, which were the determinants of the spatial and temporal patterns of the algal community. In view of the influence of discharge and velocity on the structure of algal communities, it is suggested that ecological scheduling could be used to regulate the structure of the algal community on the canal wall in the operation of later water division projects to ensure the safety of water division.

Keywords: periphytic algae; community structure; environmental factors; GAM