基本信息 |
姓名:李春杰 |
性别:男 |
民族:汉 |
政治面貌:中共党员 |
学历:博士研究生 |
职称:讲师 |
出生年月:1986-02 |
电子邮箱:lichunjie08@nynu.edu.cn |
专业:自然地理学、环境科学 |
科研方向:土壤生物地球化学过程 |

学习及工作经历 |
2008.09-2010.07 就读于兰州大学资源环境学院,获水文学与水资源硕士学位 2010.09-2013.07就读于中国科学院成都山地所,获自然地理学博士学位 2013.12-至今 就职南阳师范学院环境科学与旅游学院,任讲师 |
教科研项目 |
1、参与国家重点基础研究发展规划(973 计划)子课题,第四课题《江河源区积雪冻土变化对高寒生态系统的影响研究》, 批准号:2007CB4115 2、参与国家杰出青年科学基金项目《高寒草地生态水文学机理与冻土生态水文模拟研究》,批准号:40925002 |
教科研论文 |
1)GuoShili, Li Chunjie,Wei Yali, Zhou Kui, Liu Shaoquan, Xu Dingde, Li Qianyu. Impact ofland expropriation on farmers’ livelihoods in the mountainousand hilly regions of Sichuan, China. Journal of mountain science.2019, 16(11):2484-2501.
2)Guo Shili, Li Chunjie,Liu Shaoquan, et al. Land carrying capacity in rural settlements ofthree gorges reservoir based on the system dynamic model[J]. NaturalResource Modeling, 2018:e12152.
3)Juan Chang, GenXu Wang, ChunJieLi. suprapermafrostgroundwater and its response to the freeing-thawing processes of soilin the permafrost region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Science China EarthSciences, 2015,1869-1897(2015):1-12.
4)常娟,王根绪,李春杰,等.青藏高原连续多年冻土区的冻结层上水季节动态及其对活动层土壤冻融过程的响应特征[J].中国科学:地球科学,2015, 45(4):481-493.
5) Wang Genxu, Liu Guangsheng, LiChunjie. Thevariability The variability of soil thermal and hydrological dynamicswith vegetation cover in a permafrost
region,Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology,2012,162:44-57.
6) Wang Genxu, Liu Guangsheng, LiChunjie. Effects ofchanges in alpine grassland vegetation cover on hillslopehydrological processes in a permafrostwatershed,Journal of Hydrology,2012, 444–445:22-33.
7) Li Chun Jie,G. X. Wang, and T. X. Mao. Rainfall Interception by Swamp Meadow andAlpine Meadow and its Seasonal Distribution Pattern on theQinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Advanced Materials Research610-613(2013):2675-2682.
8)李春杰,王根绪,孙向阳,等.青藏高原风火山流域凝结水动态特征分析[J].水土保持通报,2012, 32(6):80-83.
10)李春杰,任东兴,王根绪,等.青藏高原两种草甸类型人工降雨截留特征分析[J].水科学进展,2009, 20(6):769-774.