1. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing, Jianbiao Peng, Mingfei Ji. Effects of in situ remediation on copper distribution and soil aggregate adsorption-desorption characteristics in smelter-impacted soil.Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022,https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.816361. 2. Lei Xu,Xiangyu Xing, Jianbiao Peng, Mingfei Ji.Estimation of Copper and Cadmium Bioavailability in Contaminated Soil Remediated by Different Plants and Micron Hydroxyapatite. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications,2022,https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3565550. 3. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing, Jianbiao Peng. Removal of Zn2+from Aqueous Solution Using Biomass Ash and Its Modified Product as Biosorbent. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022,19:9006-9018. 4. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing, Hongbiao Cui, Jing Zhou, Jun Zhou5 Jianbiao Peng, Jingfeng Bai, Xuebo Zheng, Mingfei Ji. The Combination of Lime and Plant Species Effects on Trace Metals (Copper and Cadmium) in Soil Exchangeable Fractions and Runoff in the Red Soil Region of China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022,doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.638324. 5. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing, Mingfei Ji.The Combination of Lime and Plant Species Effects on Trace Metals (Copper and Cadmium) in Soil Exchangeable Fractions and Runoff in the Red Soil Region of China. Frontiers in Envrionmental Science,2021, dio:https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.638324. 6. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing, Zhenqiu Zhu, Hongbiao Cui, Jianbiao Peng, Ding Li, Mingfei Ji, Jing Zhou. Effects of Different Particle Sizes of Hydroxyapatite on the Distribution and Migration of Trace Elements (Copper and Cadmium) in a Smelter-Impacted Soil. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications,2021,https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/2412646. 7. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing, Xuebo Zheng. Soil biological characteristic, nutrient contents and stoichiometry as affected by different types of remediation in a smelter-impacted soil. Chemistry and Ecology, 2020: 419-433. 8. Lei Xu, Xiangyu Xing. In situ phytoremediation of copper and cadmium in a co-contaminated soil and its biological and physical effects. Rsc Advances,2019:993-1003. 9. Lei Xu, Hongbiao Cui, Xiangyu Xing, Zhimin Du, Jiani Liang, Xuebo Zheng, Lunguang Yao & Jing Zhou. Long-term stability and risk assessment of copper and cadmium in a smelter-impacted soil treated by four amendments. Chemistry and Ecology,2018:871-883. 10. Lei Xu, Hongbiao Cui, Xuebo Zheng, Zhenqiu Zhu, Jiani Liang, Jing Zhou. Immobilization of copper and cadmium by hydroxyapatite combined with phytoextraction and changes in microbial community structure in a smelter-impacted soil. Rsc Advances, 2016, 6, 103955-103964. 11. Lei Xu,Hongbiao Cui, Jun Zhou, Jiani Liang, Jing Zhou.Changes of metal distribution in ???whole soil andaggregatesduring a three-year in-situ remediation. Rsc advances. 2017,7,41033-41042. 12. Lei Xu,Hongbiao Cui, Xuebo Zheng, Jiani Liang, Jing Zhou. Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies on the adsorption of cadmium from aqueous solution by modified biomass ash. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications.2017,1-9. 13. 徐 磊,郑学博,崔红标,梁家妮,陶志慧,祝振球,刘冰冰,周 静.生物质电厂底渣对水液中Cu2 +的吸附特性.环境化学,2016,35(8):1642-1648. 14. 徐 磊,周 静,梁家妮,崔红标,陶美娟,陶志慧,祝振球,黄林.巨菌草对Cu、Cd污染土壤的修复潜力.生态学报,2014,2014,34(18):5342-5348. 15. 徐 磊,周 俊,张文辉,崔红标,刘海龙,刘创慧,梁家妮,周 静.植被恢复对重金属污染土壤有机质及团聚体特征的影响.水土保持研究,2017,24(6):194-204. 16. 徐磊,周静,崔红标,陶美娟,梁家妮.重金属污染土壤的修复与修复效果评价研究进展.中国农学通报,2014,30(20):161-167. 17. 徐 磊,蓝文翀,崔 键,周 静.水分调控对材料钝化重金属效果的影响.中国农学通报,2017,33(35):88-93. 18. 徐 磊,邢香玉. 本科生导师制下地理科学教学实践与探索——以南阳师范学院地理科学专业为例.现代商贸工业,2018,39(27):150-152. 19. 宋文宇,邢香玉,徐磊*.高师地理课程设置与中学地理新课标的对应性分析——以南阳师范学院为例.现代商贸工业,2021,42(7):137-138. 20. 余治雨,赵志敏,徐磊*.降水对半湿润区土壤呼吸的影响研究.南阳师范学院学报,2020,19(4):9-15. 21. 李静钰,赵盼盼,赫发兰,张景,徐磊*.生活垃圾分类回收处理可行性调查及建议——以南阳市卧龙区为例.南阳师范学院学报,2019,19(1):38-43. 22. 江丽,徐磊*,邢香玉.PBL教学法在《水文学》课程中的应用可行性研究.现代商贸工业,2019,40(27):181-182. |