姓名: 黄思良
出生年月: 1960.12
性别: 男
学历: 博士
职称: 教授(二级)
专业: 植物病理学
留学国别: 日本
原工作单位: 南阳师范学院农业工程学院(曾院长)
1978.10-1982.7 在广西农学院攻读植物保护专业,获农学学士学位;
1985.12-1986.12 公派到日本大学农兽医学部植物病理学实验室进修;
1990.1-1996.4 获日本文部省奖学金,公派到日本鳥取大学留学(硕士专业:农学;博士专业:生物环境科学),于1992年3月及1996年3月分别获日本鸟取大学农学硕士和农学博士学位。
1982.7-1985.11 在广西宁明县明江公社农业技术推广站从事植保工作(技术员);
1987.1-1987.12 在广西宁明县病虫测报站从事植保工作(助理农艺师);
1988.1-2007.9 在广西农业科学院从事植物病理学研究,先后担任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、植物保护研究所副所长兼微生物研究室主任(正处)、农科院学术委员会副主任委员、广西植物病理学会理事长、广西植物保护学会副理事长、中国植物病理学会第七届理事会常务理事、中国植物保护学会第九届理事会理事、广西大学博士生导师等职。
2007.10 -2015.7,在南阳师范学院生命科学与技术学院工作,院长,研究员,广西大学兼职硕士/博士生导师,南阳师范学院硕士生导师。
1.Huang S.L.*(黄思良),Wang L., Wang T, Jiao Z.J., Pang F.H., Tao A.L., Niu X.R., Lu W.H. 2018. First report of Didymella leaf blight on Cornus officinalis caused by Didymellaglomeratain China.Plant Disease,102(5): 1031(JCR1区)
2.Huang S.L.*(黄思良), Yang D., Zheng X.L., Li P.,Ayra-Pardo C.,Wang L., Xu D.Y., Fu G., Du C.J. 2020. First report of Neofusicoccum parvumcausing brown
spot disease on glossy privet in China.Plant Disease,104(10): 2729.(JCR1区)
3.Lu W,Huang S,Zhang N*, Li F, Wang J, Han D, Yu H, Li J, Bao L. 2021. Occurrence, origin and risk assessment of trace elements in high geological background impacted soil-crop system in Yunnan, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal. https:doi.org/10.1080/15320383.2021.1966714
4.Huang S.*(黄思良), Zheng X., Yang D., An J., Wang L., Pang F., Tao A. 2021.Firstreport ofsoftrot caused byAspergillus nigersensu lato on mother-in-law’s tonguein China.Plant Disease,105(3):703(JCR1区)
5.Huang S*.(黄思良),Li T., Yang T., Zheng X., Yang D., Fu G., Hu G., Tao A., Wang L., Xu T., Li Y. 2021. First report of kernel rot in the externally non-symptomatic pre-harvest pomegranate fruit caused byTalaromyces albobiverticilliusin Henan provinve, China. Plant Disease,(JCR1区,accepted with minor revition)
6.Moran-Bertot I, Rodríguez-Cabrera L, Borras-Hidalgo O,Huang S(黄思良), Kan Y, Wright DJ, Ayra-Pardo C. 2021. Potato virus X-mediated constitutive expression ofPlutella xylostellaPxSDF2L1 gene inNicotiana benthamianaconfers resistance toPhytophthora parasiticavar.nicotianae.BMC Plant Biology. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-02854-5
7.Ayra-Pardo C*,Huang S(黄思良),Kan Y, Wright DJ. 2021. Impact of invasive fall armyworm on plants arthropod communities and implications for crop protection.International Journal of Pest Management.http://doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2021.1968534
8.Sun Y, Yang L, Rodríguez-Cabrera L, Ding Y, Leng C, Qiao H,Huang S(黄思良), Kan Y, Yao L, Wright DJ, Li D, Ayra-Pardo C. 2021. Tandem mass tag-based quantitative proteomics and virulence phenotype of hemolymph-treatedBacillus thuringiensis kurstakicells reveal new insights on bacterial psthogenisis in insects.Microbiology Spectrum9(2) e00604: 1-18. http://doi.org/10.1128/Spectrum.00604-21
9.Huang S*(黄思良), Long M, Fu G, Lin S, Qin L, Hu C, Cen Z, Lu J, Li Q. 2015.Characterization of a new pathovar ofAgrobacterium vitiscausing banana leaf blight in China.Journal of Basic Microbiology53: 129-134(JCR4区)
10.Huang S. L.*(黄思良), Long M.L., Ayra-Pardo C., Cen Z.L., Fu G., Qin L.P., Lin S.H., Yan W.H., Hu C.J., Li Q.Q. 2020.First report of bacterial black stripe on banana caused byRhizobium paknamensein China.New Disease Reports41:28 [http://dx.doi.org/10.5197/j.2044-0588.2020.041.028]
11.Pang F, Wang T, Zhao C, Yu G, Tao A, Yu Z,Huang S*(黄思良). 2016. Novel bacterial endophytes isolated from winter wheat plants as biocontrol agents against stripe rust of wheat.BioControl61: 207-219(JCR3区)
12.Wu Y,Huang S*(黄思良), Li W, Fu G, Hu C. 2016.Identification and mating type determination ofPhytophthorastrains causing blight on two cucurbit crops in South China.Tropical Plant Pathology41: 24-32(JCR4区)
13.Yang X,Huang S*(黄思良),Zhang Y,Zhang X. 2015.Identification andcharacterization of ararespecies ofNeurospora.International Journal of Agriculture and Biology17: 163-168(JCR4区)
14.Lin S H,Huang S L*(黄思良), Qin L P, Cen Z L. 2015. Effect of lighting on photosporogenesis ofExserohilum rostratumcausing banana leaf spot disease.Journal of Pure&Applied Microbiology9(1): 23-32(JCR 4区)
16.吴永官,蒋雅琴,黄思良*,车江旅,付岗,胡春锦,黎炎. 2015.华南瓜类疫霉的RAPD多样性分析.菌物学报34(3):410-423(一级核心)
17.杨迪,杜婵娟,张晋,潘连富,叶云峰,黄思良*,付岗*. 2020.香蕉枯萎病拮抗菌贝莱斯芽孢杆菌的筛选鉴定及其生物学特性.中国生物防治学报(网络首刊)(一级核心)
18.郑雪玲,杨迪,孙静怡,王 潞,王 坦,黄思良*.2019.胡萝卜心腐病病原菌鉴定
19.庞发虎,杜瑞卿,王坦,黄思良*.2016.小麦内生细菌促生菌株的筛选及其影响小麦生长的因子的相关性分析.中国农业大学学报21(1): 8-21(中文核心)
20.焦铸锦,黄思良*.2015.Fusarium proliferatum侵染玉米花丝的解剖学研究.玉米科学23(4):138-142(中文核心)
22.Peng X D,Huang S L(黄思良), Lin S H. 2015. First report of corn kernel brown spot disease caused byMucor irregulariasin China.Plant Disease99(1): 159(JCR1区)
23.Qin L.P.,Huang S.L.(黄思良), Lin S.H., Lin C.H. 2017.First report of anthracnoseofMangiferaindicacaused byColletotrichumsiamensein Sanya city in China.Plant Disease101(6): 1038(JCR1区)
24.Wang J.-H., Peng X.-D., Lin S.-H., Wu A.-B.,Huang S.-L.(黄思良)2015. First report of Fusarium blight head caused byFusarium sacchariin China.Plant Disease99(1): 160(JCR1区)
25.WangT., Tao A.L., Pang F.H.,Huang S.L. (黄思良)2016. First report of Alternaria brown spotongolden vicary privetcaused byA. alternatain China.Plant Disease100(9):1950(JCR1区)
26.Qin L.P.,Zhang Y.,Su Q., Chen Y.L., Nong Q., Xie L.,Yu G.M,Huang S.L.(黄思良).2019.First report of anthracnoseofMangifera indicacaused byColletotrichum scovilleiin China.Plant Disease103 (5): 1043(JCR1区)
27.Huang ZG, Xiao Y, Yang F,Huang SL(黄思良), Li YY. 2015. Analysis of the soil water ballace for large-scale reforestration with Eucommia ulmoides in the hilly red soil region of southern China.Regional Environmental Change(DOI 10.1007/s10113-015-0859-1)(JCR3区)
28.杜瑞卿,林善海,黄思良*,张征田,覃丽萍,黎起秦. 2015.对影响香蕉叶斑病菌喙突脐蠕孢生长和产孢碳、氮源的统计学分析.浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)41(1):61-74(中文核心)
29.余功明,史国英,魏源文,岑贞陆,黄思良,胡春锦,黎起秦. 2015.影响水稻纹枯
25.陶爱丽,黄思良,王坦,张彩莹,陈吉宝. 2015.启发性教学在高校生物化学中的应用探讨.教育教学论坛(1):268-269
26.秦彦林,卢维宏,冯梦喜,黄思良,李世莹,张艳非. 2015.不同形态锌元素对玉米
27.郭景丽,卢维宏,冯梦喜,黄思良,张艳菲,李世莹,秦彦林. 2015.不同类型控失
29.Xing R.-X., Wei C.-Y., Mo Y., Yang L.-T.,Huang S.-L.(黄思良), Li Y.-R. 2016. Nitrogen-fixing and plant growth-promoting ability of two endophytic bacterial strains isolated from sugarcane stalks.Sugar Tech18(4): 373-379(JCR4区)
学报16(12): 41-44
31.庞发虎,黄思良,赵晨晨. 2018.内生假单胞菌对小麦生长及光合特性的影响.江苏
32.Noval C.Rodríguez-de la,Rodríguez-Cabrera L., lzquierdo L., Espinosa L A, Henandez D., Ponce M., Moran-Bertot I., Tellez-RodríguezP., Borras-Hidalgo O.,Huang S., Kan Y., Wright D J., Ayra-Pardo C. 2019. Functional expression of a peritrophin A-like SfPER protein is required for larval development inSpodoptera frugiperda(Lepidotera:Noctuidae).Scientific Reports9 :2630(DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-38734-0)(JCR3区)
33.周主贵,黄昌艳,王晓国,黄展文,邓杰玲,卜朝阳,黄思良,林善海. 2019.不同种
金花茶对炭疽病的自然抗性评价.中国植保导刊39(10): 16-19(中文核心)
Sambasivam Periyannan (ed.) Wheat Rust Diseases: Methods and Protocols, Methods in
Molecular Biology, vol. 1659, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7249-4_24 ©Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 [ISBN 978-1-4939-7248-7;ISBN 978-1-4939-7249-4 (eBook)](主笔章:第24章Biocontrol Agents for Controlling Wheat Rust)