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常玮 Wei Chang
发布日期:2025/02/26     点击量:

常玮 博士




• 大豆农艺性状QTL定位及分子标记辅助育种;

• 通过GWASBSA-seq等方法挖掘与大豆氮高效利用、理想株型相关的基因,并进行功能验证;

• 南阳地区野生大豆的搜集、鉴定与保藏。

Dr. Chang Wei

Email: 20141005@nynu.edu.cn

Dr. Chang Wei serves as the Teaching Secretary at the College of South to North Water Diversion /College of Water Resources and Modern Agriculture of Nanyang Normal University, and is a Postgraduate Supervisor.

Research Interests

  • QTL mapping of soybean agronomic traits and molecular Marker Assisted      Selection (MAS) of soybean.

  • Identification and functional analysis of genes related to high-efficiency nitrogen utilization and ideal plant architecture in soybeans using methods such as GWAS and BSA-seq.

  • Collection, identification, and preservation of wild soybeans in Nanyang region.

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