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闫路 Lu Yan
发布日期:2025/02/19     点击量:









南阳师范学院南水北调学院暨水资源与现代农业学院研究生秘书,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。研究主要关注于化学品毒性效应与分子机制识别,及人体生态健康风险评估。利用体内、体外和in silico测试方法进行化学品毒性测试,擅长转录组在内的多组学的生物信息学统计分析。目前已发表SCI论文19篇,以第一作者在Environmental Research、Chemosphere、Science of the Total Environment等期刊发表7篇,其中共同一作3篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项、河南省青年自然科学基金项目一项,参与河南省科技攻关计划项目一项


1. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目, 42407386, 基于3D细胞培养的酞酸酯类塑化剂混合毒性及致毒机制研究, 2025/01-2027/12,在研,闫路,主持.

2. 河南省自然科学基金,青年项目, 242300420616, 基于 3D 细胞培养的酞酸酯类污染物人体健康效应动态图谱解析, 2024/01-2025/12,在研,闫路,主持。

3. 河南省科技厅科技攻关, 芸苔素内脂同步削减小麦镉富集及磷施用技术研究及应用, 2024/01-2025/12,在研,参与.


1. Yan L., Messner C. J., Zhang X., Suter-Dick L. Assessment of fibrotic pathways induced by environmental chemicals using 3D-human liver microtissue model [J]. Environmental Research, 2021, 194: 110679.

2. Yan L., Messner C. J., Tian M., Gou X., Zhang X., Suter-Dick L. Evaluation of dioxin induced transcriptomic responses in a 3D human liver microtissue model [J]. Environmental Research, 2022, 210: 112906.

3. 闫路,苟潇,彭颖,张效伟. 基于3D体外培养模型的化学物质肝毒性预测研究进展[J].生态毒理学报, 2021, 17(1): 299-312.

4. 闫路,苟潇,高瑞泽,吉慧敏,张效伟. 基于高通量组学方法的毒害污染物筛查与风险评估[J].科学通报, 2022, 67(35): 4159-4169.

5. Yan L., Zhang Q., Huang F., Nie W. W., Hu C. Q., Ying H. Z., Dong X. W., Zhao M. R. Ternary classification models for predicting hormonal activities of chemicals via nuclear receptors [J]. Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, 706: 360-6.

6. Yan L., Gong C., Zhang X., Zhang Q., Zhao M., Wang C. Perturbation of metabonome of embryo/larvae zebrafish after exposure to fipronil [J]. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2016, 48: 39-45.

7. Bai X. X.#, Yan L.#, Zhang Q., Dong X. W., Zhao M. R. A combination of ternary classification models and reporter gene assays for the comprehensive thyroid hormone disruption profiles of 209 polychlorinated biphenyls [J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 210: 312-9.(共一)

8. Zhang Q.#, Yan L.#, Ji L., Chen Y., Zhao M., Dong X. A ternary classification using machine learning methods of distinct estrogen receptor activities within a large collection of environmental chemicals [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 580: 1268-75.(共一)

9. Tian M.#, Xia P.#, Yan L.#, Gou X., Yu H., Zhang X. Human functional genomics reveals toxicological mechanism underlying genotoxicants-induced inflammatory responses under low doses exposure [J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 314: 137658.(共一)

Personal Information:

Name: Lu Yan

Degree: Ph.D

Major: Environmental Science and Engineering

Title: Lecturer

Email: yanlu0507@126.com

Personal Profile:
Yan Lu is the graduate secretary at the  School of Water Resources and Modern Agriculture. She is the master’s thesis supervisor. Her research primarily focuses on the toxicological effects and molecular mechanisms of chemicals, as well as the ecological health risk assessment for humans. She useses in vivo, in vitro, and in silico testing methods for chemical toxicity evaluation and excels in bioinformatics statistical analysis using multi-omics approaches, including transcriptomics. She has published 19 SCI papers, among which seven were published as the first author in journals such as Environmental Research, Chemosphere, and Science of the Total Environment, with three co-first-authored papers. She presides one National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Project) and one Henan Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Youth Project), and she also participates in one Henan Provincial Science and Technology Department’s Key Technology R&D Program.

Research projects:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Project, 42407386, Study on Mixed Toxicity and Toxicogenic Mechanism of Phthalate Plasticisers Based on 3D Cell Culture, 2025/01-2027/12, under research, Lu Yan, presided.
2. Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, Youth Project, 242300420616, Dynamic mapping of human health effects of phthalate ester pollutants based on 3D cell culture, 2024/01-2025/12, under research, Lu Yan, presided.
3. Science and Technology Research of Henan Provincial Science and Technology Department, Synchronous Reduction of Cadmium Enrichment and Phosphorus Application Technology in Wheat by Rutin Lipids, 2024/01-2025/12, under research, participation.

Representative Papers:

1. Yan L.,  Messner C. J., Zhang X., Suter-Dick L. Assessment of fibrotic pathways  induced by environmental chemicals using 3D-human liver microtissue  model [J]. Environmental Research, 2021, 194: 110679.

2. Yan L.,  Messner C. J., Tian M., Gou X., Zhang X., Suter-Dick L. Evaluation of  dioxin induced transcriptomic responses in a 3D human liver microtissue  model [J]. Environmental Research, 2022, 210: 112906.

3. Yan L., Gou X., Peng Y., Zhang X.. Progress in predicting hepatotoxicity of chemical substances based on 3D in vitro culture models[J]. Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2021, 17(1): 299-312.(in chinese)
4. Yan L., Gou X., Gao R., Ji H., Zhang X.. Screening and risk assessment of toxic pollutants based on high-throughput genomics approach[J]. Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(35): 4159-4169.(in chinese)

5. Yan L.,  Zhang Q., Huang F., Nie W. W., Hu C. Q., Ying H. Z., Dong X. W., Zhao  M. R. Ternary classification models for predicting hormonal activities  of chemicals via nuclear receptors [J]. Chemical Physics Letters, 2018,  706: 360-6.

6. Yan L.,  Gong C., Zhang X., Zhang Q., Zhao M., Wang C. Perturbation of  metabonome of embryo/larvae zebrafish after exposure to fipronil [J].  Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2016, 48: 39-45.

7. Bai X. X.#, Yan L.#,  Zhang Q., Dong X. W., Zhao M. R. A combination of ternary  classification models and reporter gene assays for the comprehensive  thyroid hormone disruption profiles of 209 polychlorinated biphenyls  [J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 210: 312-9.

8. Zhang Q.#, Yan L.#,  Ji L., Chen Y., Zhao M., Dong X. A ternary classification using machine  learning methods of distinct estrogen receptor activities within a  large collection of environmental chemicals [J]. Science of the Total  Environment, 2017, 580: 1268-75.

9. Tian M.#, Xia P.#, Yan L.#,  Gou X., Yu H., Zhang X. Human functional genomics reveals toxicological  mechanism underlying genotoxicants-induced inflammatory responses under  low doses exposure [J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 314: 137658.

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