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尼科拉·弗瑞 教授 Prof. Nicola Fohrer
发布日期:2025/02/19     点击量:

德国基尔大学Nicola Fohrer(尼科拉·弗瑞)教授,博士生导师,现为德国基尔大学自然资源保护研究所、水文与水资源管理系主任,德国国际水文计划/ HWRP国家科学顾问委员会主任,德国水文协会副会长,ISI等8种国际期刊的编辑,曾任联合国教科文组织国际水文计划科学委员会主席,2019年被聘为南阳师范学院客座教授。Nicola Fohrer系国际知名水文水资源专家,主攻农村流域的水文过程研究,利用不同尺度的生态水文模型模拟农村景观中的水和养分循环、识别污染物的进入途径。已发表SCI论文200多篇,总引用8631次,截止2024年5月17日h-index为59;代表性著作3部;组织了超过15个国际研讨会或会议。

Prof. Dr. Nicola Fohrer is the head of the Department of Hydrology & Water Resources Management, Institute for the Conservation of Natural Resources, Kiel University, Germany. She graduated in Agricultural Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin where she also completed her PhD in Soil Physics with a focus on soil erosion processes. At the Giessen University she specialized in modelling of hydrological processes in rural watersheds. She was appointed full professor at the Kiel University in March 2003. Her main research interests are modelling of water and nutrient cycles in rural landscapes with eco-hydrological models on different scales. The identification of pollutant entry pathways is one of her major research areas. She is a member of the governing board for the European Regional Centre for Eco-hydrology (ERCE) of UNESCO, Lodz, Poland, that was founded in 2006 and washead ofthescientific advisory board of the German National Committee of IHP/HWRP, UNESCO from 2008-2014 She was also a council member und assistant editor of the European Soil Conservation SocietyfromMarch 2000 - 2008 and chaired the soil erosion working group of the German Soil Science Society from 1999 to 2003.She was editor of the ISI journal “Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung” for more than 10 years. She was president (2014-2017) and is now vice-president of the German Hydrological Society. Since 2010 she is area coordinator for water management at the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability at IIT Madras, Chennai, India and since 2018she is a member of the Technical Committee (TEC) of the global water partnership. She is author and co-author of more than 200 refereed publications in international scientific journals. She served as guest editor for 8 special issues in international journals and initiated more than 15 national and international workshops and conferences in the field ofecohydrology and soil erosion.



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