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姓 名:王景龙

性 别:男

学 位:博士

专 业:水生生物学

职 称:讲师






1. 天津水利科学研究院委托项目《于桥水库附着藻类防控蓝藻水华适应性及污染物去除效果研究项目》(Y8492414)。

2. 国家科技支撑(攻关)计划课题专题任务《千岛湖浮游生物与滤食性鱼类之间的关系》(Y216031403)。

3. “十三五”水专项《南水北调中线总干渠藻类、贝类异常增殖成因及防控技术研究》(2017ZX07108-001)。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于沉积物磷释放特征的蓝藻有机质促进水华形成机理研究》(41977285)。

5. 国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”专项《水生生物生产力综合利用及渔业生态操控技术》(2019YFD0900603)。


1. Jinglong Wang, Qinyi Chen, Shun Huang, Zhicong Wang, Dunhai Li. Cyanobacterial organic matter (COM) positive feedback aggravates lake eutrophication by changing the phosphorus release characteristics of sediments [J].

Science of The Total Environment, 2023,892:164540.

2. Jinglong Wang, Weicheng Zhou, Shun Huang, Xiaomei Wu, Panpan Zhou, Yuchen Geng, Yu Zhu, Yuming Wang, Yundong Wu, Qinyi Chen, Yuang Ding, Zhicong Wang, Dunhai Li. Promoting effect and mechanism of residual feed organic matter on the formation of cyanobacterial blooms in aquaculture waters [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 417, 138068.

3. Zhicong Wang, Qidong Wang, Jinlong Wang, Hui Wei, Jing Qian, Yinzhe Zhang, Kai Feng, Qinyi Chen, Jing Yuan, Jiashou Liu, Dunhai Li. Evaluation of the control effect of bighead carp and silver carp on cyanobacterial blooms based on the analysis of differences in algal digestion processes [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 375 (2022) 134106.

4. Qinyi Chen, Zhicong Wang, Hui Wei, Jinglong Wang, Weicheng Zhou, Panpan Zhou, Dunhai Li. Anionic surfactants in lake surface microlayers enhance the toxicity of Microcystis blooms: insight from photosynthesis, interspecies competition, and MC production [J]. Water Research, 2023: 120430.

5. Weicheng Zhou, Jinglong Wang, Jinli Zhang, Chengrong Peng, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li. Environmentally relevant concentrations of geosmin affect the development, oxidative stress, apoptosis and endocrine disruption of embryo-larval zebrafish [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 735: 139373.

6. Weicheng Zhou, Xiaoyu Li, Yuming Wang, Jinglong Wang, Jinli Zhang, Hui Wei, Chengrong Peng, Zhicong Wang, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li. Physiological and transcriptomic changes of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos-larvae in response to 2-MIB exposure [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 126142.

7. Weicheng Zhou, Yuming Wang, Jinglong Wang, Chengrong Peng, Zhicong Wang, Hongjie Qin, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li. β-Ionone causes endocrine disruption, hyperpigmentation and hypoactivity in zebrafish early life stages [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 834 (2022) 155433.

8. Zhou, Weicheng; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Jinglong; Peng, Chengrong; Wang, Zhicong; Qin, Hongjie; Li, Genbao; Li, Dunhai. Geosmin disrupts energy metabolism and locomotor behavior of zebrafish in early life stages [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 859 (2023) 160222.

国家自科基金委 文化和旅游部 自然资源部 河南省科技厅

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