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发布日期:2024/11/17     点击量:











叶如梦,2013.09—2017.06福建农林大学农林科学类创新实验班园艺获农学学士学位;2017.09—2020.06南京大学生命科学学院 制药工程获工学硕士学位;2020.07—至今,南阳师范学院水资源与现代农业学院实验员。主要从事植物内生菌对植物次生代谢物的影响;植物精油的提取;生物炭及改性生物炭材料的制备及应用。


1. 2017-2018科技部国家基础平台,国家标本平资源共享平台专项课题,中国大学校园植物网的构建与示范(2005DKA21400)南京大学校园植物网的建设(参与)

2. 2021-2023河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关),南水北调中线工程库区生态脆弱区生态系统功能有效监控保护技术(参与)

3. 2023-2024南阳师范学院校级青年(2023QN022)微藻联合微生物对养殖废水的净化及四环素的去除(主持)

4. 2024-至今 南阳市科技计划项目(23JCQY2007)面向水体氮磷污染修复的生物质基多孔炭材料的选择性制备(参与)



1. Ye, R., Tian, K., Hu, H., Li, P., & Tian, X. (2023). Extraction process optimization of essential oil from Mellissa officinalis L. using a new ultrasound-microwave hybrid-assisted Clevenger hydrodistillation. Industrial Crops and Products, 203, 117165. 1区)

2. 叶如梦, 田锴., 胡海静,万鹏伟,谭海霞,田兴军,李朋富. (2020). 一株枯草芽孢杆菌对香蜂花的促生效果及关键代谢物积累的环境响应. 应用与环境生物学报, 26(05), 1035-1045.(核心,封面文章)

3. 叶如梦,姚婷婷,魏弋莘,潘东明.高温贮藏对生态休眠期中国水仙的影响[J].安徽农业科学,2018,46(07):46-50

4. Chen, Q., Zhou, Z., Cai, S., Lv, M., Yang, Y., Luo, Y., Jiang, H., Liu, R., Cao, T., Yao, B., Chen, Y., Li, Q., Zeng, X., Ye, R., Fang, Y., Pan, Y., He, W., Pang, L., He, H., Wan, P., Ji, Y., Li, C., Jin, C., Baidourela, A., Zeng, J., Pu, G., Chen, S., Liang, J., Tian, X. 2024. Spatial-temporal variation of soil organic matter decomposition potential in China. Soil and Tillage Research, 235, 105898. 1区,top

5. Hu, H., Ye, R., Pang, L., Jiang, H., Tian, K., Gao, Y., Ji, Y., Wan, P., Yang, J., Zou, X., & Tian, X. (2023). Endophytic bacterium Bacillus cereus affects host litter decomposition by regulating soil microbial structure and phosphate mineralization. Applied Soil Ecology, 192, 105092. 2区)

6. Yang, J., Tian, K., Lu, J., Kong, X., Li, Q., Ye, R., Zeng, X., Cao, T., Hu, H., Ji, Y., Tian, X., & Scheu, S. (2023). Earthworms increase forest litter mass loss irrespective of deposited compounds – A field manipulation experiment in subtropical forests. Ecology and Evolution, 13(5). 2区)

7. Ji, Y., Li, Q., Ye, R., Tian, K., & Tian, X. (2020). The Impact of Water-Soluble Inorganic Ions in Particulate Matter (PM2.5) on Litter Decomposition in Chinese Subtropical Forests. Forests, 11(2), 238.2区)

8. Li J, Fang D, Ye R , et al (2020). The released polysaccharide inhibits cell aggregation and biofilm formation in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. European Journal of Phycology,1-10. (3)

9. Wang, X.; Ye, R.; Li, B.-L.; Tian, K. Emerging Microplastics Alter the Influences of Soil Animals on the Fungal Community Structure in Determining the Litter Decomposition of a Deciduous Tree. Forests 2024, 15, 488. (2)


1. 叶如梦,田锴. Extraction process optimization of essential oil from Mellissa officinalis L. using a new ultrasound-microwave hybrid-assisted Clevenger hydrodistillation. 河南省教育厅科技成果二等奖.(豫教〔202408444)





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