姓 名:闫冠杰
性 别:男
职 称:讲师
2015-12至2020-7, 西澳大利亚大学,动物科学与生产, 博士
2009-9至2012-6, 重庆师范大学, 水生生物学, 硕士
2004-9至2008-6, 河南大学, 生物工程, 学士
2020.08-2024.04 南阳师范学院生命科学与农业工程学院 讲师
2024.04-南阳师范学院生命科学学院 讲师
1. 河南省科技厅,施用棕尾别麻蝇幼虫处理的猪粪对生菜中抗生素和抗性基因的影响,2023-01至2024-12,10万元,在研,主持
1. G.J. Yan, D.D. Li, G.S. Wang, L.B. Wu. Diet affects the temperature–size relationship in the blowfly Aldrichina grahami. Insects, 2024, 15: 246.
2. Z. Li, C. Yue, N. Ma, G.J. Yan. Effects of diet on the gut bacterial community of Aldrichina grahami (Diptera: Calliphoridae) across developmental stages. Insects, 2024, 15: 181.
3. G.J. Yan, A.C. Schlink, S.M. Liu, et al. Investigating the role of blow fly olfaction in flystrike in sheep. Animal Production Science, 2024, 64: AN23238.
4. G.J. Yan, Y.H. Sun, L.T. Yang, Y. Zhang, W.C. Zhang. Polystyrene microplastics protect lettuce (Lactuca sativa) from the hazardous effects of
Cu(OH)2 nanopesticides. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:1087754.
5. G.J. Yan , S.M. Liu, A.C. Schlink, et al. Volatiles from Merino fleece evoke antennal and behavioural responses in the Australian sheep blow fly, Lucilia cuprina. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2019, 33:491-497.
6. G.J. Yan , S.M. Liu, A.C. Schlink, et al. Behavior and electrophysiological response of gravid and non-gravid Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) to carrion associated compounds. Journal of Economic Entomology, 2018, 111:1958-1965.
7. G.J. Yan , A.C. Schlink, B.S. Brodie, et al. The effects of different diets and long-term laboratory rearing on reproduction, behavior and morphology of Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann), Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, 56:665-670.