姓 名:王雄
性 别:男
职 称:讲师
2017.09-2021.06, 华南农业大学, 动物学. 博士
2015.09-2017.06, 华南农业大学, 养殖, 硕士
2011.09-2015.06, 武汉生物工程学院, 生物技术, 学士
2021.07-2022.07, 香港中文大学医学院, 访问学者
2021.07-2023.05, 华南农业大学动物科学学院, 博士后
2023.06-2024.04, 南阳师范学院生命科学与农业工程学院, 讲师
2024.05-南阳师范学院生命科学学院, 讲师, 生物工程专业硕导
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,32202748,家蚕TRAP1蛋白促进BmNPV复制机制研究,2023-01至2025-12,30万元,在研,主持
2. 2024年南阳师范学院博士专项,2024ZX011,基于转录组学的家蚕抗BmNPV机制研究,2024-01至2026-12,30万元,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31872426,BmNPV病毒冷冻电镜高分辨结构解析及其受体识别研究,2019-01至2022-12,60万元,已结题,参加
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31672489,基于冷冻电镜近原子分辨率三维结构的BmCPV复制机研究,2017-01至2020-12,已结题,参加
5. 广东省科学技术厅,博士科研启动项目,2018A030310210,基于BmNPV病毒受体的家蚕抗性机制研究。,2018-01至2020-12,已结题,参加
6. 广东省农业厅,畜禽地方品种保护与开发利用提升工程, No.2018-143,家蚕抗BmNPV的抗性基因筛选,2019-01至2020-09,已结题,参加
7. 广州市科技局,基础研究,202002030218,基于MultiBac系统的chIFN协同表达和功能研究,2020-04至2022-03,已结题,参加
8. 华南农业大学教学改革项目:《蚕病学》华南农业大学全英课程建设2019.10-2021.09,已结题,参加
1. Xiong Wang, Guangyu Ma, Feifei Ren, Mian Muhammad Awais, Jingchen Sun. Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus induces BmFABP1 downregulation to promote viral proliferation[J]. Insect Science. 2023, 30. 1595-1606.
2. Xiong Wang, Yinong Zhang, Shigang Fei, Mian Muhammad Awais, Hao Zheng, Min Feng, Jingchen Sun. Heat Shock Protein 75 (TRAP1) facilitate the proliferation of the Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2021, 175: 372-378.
3. Xiong Wang, Guangyu Ma, Feifei Ren, Mian Muhammad Awais, Jingchen Sun. Potential Proteins Interactions with Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus Revealed by Co-Immunoprecipitation[J]. Insects. 2022 6 24;13(7):575.
4. Feng M, Wang X, Ren F, Zhang N, Zhou Y, Sun J. Genome-Wide Characterization of Endogenous Retroviruses in Bombyx mori Reveals the Relatives and Activity of env Genes[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology.2018(9): e1732.
5. Hao Zheng, Xiong Wang, Feifei Ren, Shenglong Zou, Min Feng, Liangliang Xu, Lunguang Yao, Jingchen Sun. Construction of a highly efficient display system for baculovirus and its application on multigene co-display[J]. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2018,293:1265–1277.
6. Min Feng, Junming Xia, Shigang Fei, Ruoxuan Peng, Xiong Wang, Yaohong Zhou, Pengwei Wang, Luc Swevers and Jingchen Sun. Identification of Silkworm Hemocyte Subsets and Analysis of Their Response to Baculovirus Infection Based on Single-Cell RNA Sequencing[J]. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021, 12,1-16.
7. Hao Zheng, Yong Pan, Xiong Wang, Weibin Tian, Lunguang Yao, Jingchen Sun. Impact of Molecular Modification on the Efficiency of Recombinant Baculovirus Vector Invasion to Mammalian Cells and Its Immunogenicity in Mice[J]. Viruses. 2022 Jan; 14(1): 140.
8. Feifei Ren, Jiming Yan, Dimitrios Kontogiannatos, Xiong Wang, Jingyang Li, Luc Swevers, Jingchen Sun. Characterization of virus-like particles assembled by co-expression of BmCPV capsid shell protein and large protrusion protein[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022,209:1656-1664.
9. Ren, Feifei; Yan, Jiming; Wang, Xiong; Xue, Yukai; Guo, Nan; Swevers, Luc; Sun, Jingchen. Peptidoglycan recognition protein S5 of Bombyx mori facilitates the proliferation of Bombyx mori cypovirus 1. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023.
1. 2021年华南农业大学教学成果奖二等奖;