


Name: Lai-Fu Li

Birthday: 1980.09.02

Nationality/Sex:  China/Male

Institutions: Department of Life Sciences, Nanyang Normal  University,  Nanyang, China

Work Address: 1638 Wolong Road, Nanyang, Henan, China

E-mail: lilaifu@snnu.edu.cn

Tel.: +86-18567179115


Sep. 2017June 2020 Institute of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University (PhD).

Sep. 2005June 2008 College of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University (MSc).

Sep. 2003June 2005 College of Life Sciences, Henan Normal University (BSc).


Sep. 2013June 2017 Nanyang Normal University, Research Assistant

Aug. 2020Dec. 2022  Nanyang Normal University, Lecturer & Research Fellow Jan. 2023 Nanyang Normal University, Associate Professor


Neuromechanisms of Social Behaviors, e.g., Empathy, Aggression, Social Rank, Social Attachment, etc.

Stress and Emotional Disorders: Mainly Focus on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and GABA(B) receptors.


(1) Zhou J, Wu JW, Song BL, Jiang Y, Niu QH, Li LF*, Liu YJ. 5-HT1A receptors within the intermediate lateral septum modulate stress vulnerability in

male mice. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2024 Jun 8;132:110966. (Corresponding author)

(2) Li, L.F., Zou, H.W., Song, B.L., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., Li, Z.L., Niu, Q.H., and

Liu, Y.J. (2023). Increased Lactobacillus Abundance Contributes to Stress Resilience in Mice Exposed to Chronic Social Defeat Stress. Neuroendocrinology 113, 563-576.

(3) Li, L.F., Li, Z.-L., Song, B.-L., Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Zou, H.-W., Yao, L.-G., and

Liu, Y.-J. (2022). Dopamine D2 receptors in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex modulate social hierarchy in male mice. Current Zoology. DOI: 10.1093/cz/zoac087.

(4) Li LF, Zhang, L.Z., He, Z.X., Ma H, Zhang YT, Xun YF, Tai FD. (2021). Dorsal

raphe nucleus to anterior cingulate cortex 5-HTergic neural circuit modulates consolation and sociability. eLife 10: e67638.

(5) Li LF, Yuan W, He ZX, Ma H, Xun YF, Tai FD. (2020). Reduced consolation

behaviors in physically stressed mandarin voles: involvement of oxytocin, dopamine D2 and serotonin 1A receptors within the anterior cingulate cortex. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 23: 511523.

(6) Li LF, Yuan W, He ZX, Wang LM, Jing XY, Zhang J, Yang Y, Guo QQ, Zhang

XN, Cai WQ, Hou WJ, Jia R, Tai FD. (2019). Involvement of oxytocin and GABA in consolation behavior elicited by socially defeated individuals in mandarin  voles.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 103:1424.


(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China (2023.1-2026.12, No. 32270529, Manager, 540, 000 RMB).

(2) Key Scientific Research Project of Higher Education Institutions in Henan Province (2023.1-2024.12, No. 23A180001, Manager, 30,000 RMB).


Walking, Swimming, Biking, Ping Pong.

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