

姓 名:惠丰立
性 别:男
专 业:微生物学
职 称:二级教授/ 河南省生物工程教指委秘书长

长期从事酵母菌资源、多样性及分类学研究,在自然样品和发酵制品中酵母菌资源调查和分类学研究、工业酵母菌筛选与遗传改良等研究方面取得了系列重要研究成果。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目 2 项,省部级项目6项,企业合作项目2项。在在国内外学术期刊发表论文60余篇,其中SCI /EI收录32 篇。获国家授权发明专利3 件。出版专著、教材3部。研究成果获河南省自然科学优秀论文一等奖、二等奖4项,河南省教育厅科技进步二等奖、南阳市科技进步奖二等奖等奖励3项。
担任J Syst Evol Microbiol、Mycologia和《菌物学报》等杂志审稿专家。承担微生物学(本科生)和课程能源微生物(研究生)教学工作,指导研究生20余名,其中2篇论文获河南省优秀硕士论文。
对特殊环境中的酵母菌资源进行系统的研究,目前已从腐木、昆虫及其相关生境等特殊环境样品中分离保藏3000 余株酵母菌,建立具有自主知识产权酵母菌资源库。已发表酵母菌新属1个,新种60余个;将经典与现代生物学手段相结合,审视部分类群之间的系统发育关系,完善了现行酵母菌分类系统,为资源开发利用提供科学依据。
 3、车用生物燃料技术国家重点实验室,开放课题,KFKT2018001,特殊环境中木糖发酵酵母菌的筛选及培养条件优化,201909-202108, 20万元, 在研,主持。
1、Cheng-Feng Shi, Kai-Hong Zhang,Chun-Yue Chai1, Zhen-Li Yan, Feng-Li Hui*. Diversity of the genus Sugiyamaella and description of two new species from rotting wood in China. MycoKeys.2021,77: 27–39.
2、Shi-Long Lv, Chun-Yue Chai,Yun Wang, Zhen-Li Yan, Feng-Li*. Hui.Five new additions to the genus Spathaspora (Saccharomycetales, Debaryomycetaceae) from southwest China. MycoKeys.2020, 75:31-49.
3、Jia Ran Ran, Lv Shi Long, Chai Chun Yue, Hui Feng Li*.Three new Scheffersomyces species associated with insects and rotting wood in China. MycooKeys, 2020, 71:87-99.
4、Kai-Hong Zhang,Cheng-Feng Shi, Chun-Yue Chai, Feng-Li Hui*.Mrakia panshiensis sp. nov. a new member of the Cystofilobasidiales from soil in China, and description of the teleomorphic-stage of M. arctica. MycoKeys, 2020, 20;74:75-90.
5、Chun-Yue Chai, Ran-Ran Jia, Chong-Yi Chen, Feng-Li Hui*.Blastobotrys baotianmanensis sp. nov. and Blastobotrys xishuangbannaensis f.a., sp. nov., two novel yeast species associated with insects and rotting wood. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020, 70(7):4217-4223.
6、Yi-Chang Zhai,Lin-Na Huang, Zhi-Wen Xi, Chun-Yue Chai, Feng-Li Hui*.Candida yunnanensis sp. nov. and Candida parablackwelliae sp. nov., two yeast species in the Candida albicans/ Lodderomyces clade. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(9):2775-2780.
7、Tao Ke,Yi-Chang Zhai,Zhen-Li Yan,Feng-Li Hui*.Kazachstania jinghongensis sp. nov. and Kazachstania menglunensis f.a., sp. nov., two yeast species isolated from rotting wood. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(11):3623-3628.
8、Chun-Yue Chai,Lin-Na Huang, Han Cheng,Wen-Jing Liu, Feng-Li Hui*.Metschnikowia baotianmanensis f.a., sp. nov., a new yeast species isolated from the gut of the rhinoceros beetle Allomyrina dichotoma. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 201, 69(10):3087-3092.
9、Zhi-Wen Xi, Lin-Na Huang,Ying Li, Feng-Li Hui*.Vanrija jinghongensis sp. nov., an asexual basidiomycetous yeast from rotting wood. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(1):105-108.
10、Lin-Na Huang, Zhi-Wen Xi,Yi-Chang Zhai,Chun-Yue Chai, Feng-Li Hui*.Saturnispora galanensis sp. nov., a yeast species isolated from rotting wood. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(9):2658-2661.

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