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作者: wzc 发布日期:2017-06-05 点击次数:




Unit 1: Exceptions occurCatch exceptionscustom Exceptionoverride Exception application

Unit 2: Collections Framework1ListSetMap

Unit 3: Collections Framework2ListSetMap

Unit 4: Collections Framework3ListSetMap

Unit 5: Generic Typesgenerics effect type convert
Wildcard including
Generic classNew features of JDK5.0Thread

(Standard SQL)

Unit 1: Introduction to DatabaseDatabase conceptOracleSQLServer2005Introduction of mysql databaseSELECT Syntaxsingle function

Unit 2: syntax for CREATE TABLEConstraint(Constraint)DML ALTER SyntaxDDL Syntax       

Unit 3: Related queryGroup querySubquery

Unit 4: Database object sequenceViewIndexStored Procedure

Unit 5: Data Model and Blob,ClobERM concept and The use of tools of E-R map
Database designingParadigm                                          


Unit 1: Definition of JDBC4 types of driver of JDBCJDBC Core Interface and classJDBC Flow chart and Development steps

Unit 2: Understand the Work of DriverManagerStatement DetailedJDBC transactions and Concurrency Control

Unit 3: Result Set EnhancementsBatch


Unit 1: Differences between B/S and C/S Http ProtocolHTML introductionsHTML common labelsHTML form

Unit 2: Application of common mode. CSSIntroduce Javascript overviewCommon object

Unit 3: DOM is introducedDOM objectsRegular expressions


Unit 1: XML Introduction, grammar and characteristics


Unit 1: WEB Programming modelServlet overviewWeb serverServlet calling procedure

Unit 2: Servlet Life cyclerequestDispacherSendRedirect

Unit 3: Session and Cookie

Unit 4: filterlisten


Unit 1: JSP actionJSP operating environmentJSP Executive processJSP Program Structure

Unit 2: JSP command overviewJSP action c

Unit 3: JSp internally installed object

Unit 4: EL expressionJSTL


Unit 1: Struts overviewStruts Application development steps

Unit 2: FormBean overviewFormBean Developing stepsStruts taglib overview

Unit 3: internationalization of Struts usageStruts taglibJSTL taglib

Unit 4: DispatchAction Developing stepsMappingDispatchAction Developing steps

Unit 5: ForwardAction Developing stepsStruts Validation Framework overview


Unit 1: ORM overviewFrame ORM thoughtsHibernate core API

Unit 2: Hibernate mappgin elementsHibernate typeHibernate object manager

Unit 3: Hibernate Batchentity mappingcascade

Unit 4: Transacetioncollection mapping

Unit 5: Senior mappingSenior HQL inquiresLevel 2 cache of allocation and use


Unit 1: Introduced frameworkframe structure are composed

Unit 2: Are scopeIoC life cycle

Unit 3: AOP programming are outlinedthree elements AOP

Unit 4: Are integrated JDBCHibernateMass support Struts

Unit 5: SpringMVC use


Unit 1: Ajax profileAjax application development steps

Unit 2: JQuery frameworkUse completion of jQuery Ajax development steps

Unit 3: Using jQuery common page effectJSON request directly, introduced. DOJO

Software Engineering

Unit 1: Software engineering concept

Unit 2: Software engineering methodology summary

Unit 3: Software engineering Life cycle

Unit 4: Software engineering Development model


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