Introduction to iOS
Platform and Tools for iOS Development
unit1:Mac introduction;
unit2:Mac OS Programming introduced;
unit3:Xcode Use introduced;
unit4:IPhone Programming introduced;
Learning Objective-C
unit1:Objective-C language;
unit2:Objective-C and Object-oriented programming;
Introduction to
Foundation Framework
unit1:Class creation and use;
unit2:Class attributes introduced;
unit3:Dot syntax is introduced;
unit4:iPhone examples to explain (1): HelloDemo;
unit5:IPhone application operation;
unit6:MVC model in iPhone application;
unit7:Interface Builder and xib / nib file description;
Introduction to
Controls and Message Model
unit1:IPhone Views introduction;
unit2:IPhone drawing introduction;
unit3:IPhone animation use;
unit4:iPhone examples to explain (2): ViewsExample;
unit5:Memory management model introduced;
unit6:Introduction of application data storage;
unit7:iPhone News described several different uses;
unit8:UITableView introduction;
unit9:Other important control the use of profile
unit10:iPhone examples to explain (3): TableView;
unit11:And authorize the use of code signing;
unit12:Posted to the AppStore description applied;
About Windows, Views,
and Controls
unit1:View Switcher application;
unit2:Multi-view application architecture;
unit3:Building View Switcher;
unit4:Conversion animation production;
Audio & Video
unit1:Use the image UIImagePicker-Controller;
unit2:Image Picker control commission;
unit3:Actual test camera and libraries;
Graphics and
unit1:Two graphical view of the world;
unit2:Graphics applications;