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发布时间:2018-09-04 发布者: 浏览次数:


  1. 国家级项目

  1. 卢志文,国家自然科学基金面上项目,高塑性Mg-Al-RE合金稀土相演化与塑性变形机理研究(51374132),2013.01-2017.12,80万;

  2. 黄金书,国家自然科学基金大科学装置联合基金,BESIII上粲偶素弱衰变的研究 (U1332103),2014.01-2016.12,60万;

  3. 殷复荣,国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金,中微子质量产生与混合机制、对称性破缺和物质与暗物质起源的理论研究(U1304113),2014.01-2016.12, 30万;

  4. 卢成,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,高压下过渡金属氧化物(PbTiO3和BiFeO3)的电磁结构理论研究(11304167),2014.01-2016.12,25万;

  5. 周大伟,国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金,压力下掺杂石墨烯超导电性的第一原理研究 (U1304612),2014.01-2016.12,32万;

  6. 何朝政,国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金, TiO2光催化氧化NO的第一性原理研究(U1404216),2015.01-2017.12,32万;

  7. 何俊宝,国家自然科学基金青年基金,新型层状过渡金属铋化物的合成及其物性研究 (11404175),2015.01-2017.12,30万;

  8. 濮春英,国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金,新型碳基二维纳米材料超导电性的理论研究(U1404608),2015.01-2017.12,30万;

  9. 濮春英,国家自然科学基金青年基金,压力下铀化物结构预测与物性的第一性原理研究(51501093),2015.01-2017.12,21万;

  10. 侯书进,国家自然科学基金青年基金,伽玛射线暴黑体辐射的研究(11503011),2016.01-2018.12, 22万;

  11. 朱永胜,国家自然科学基金青年基金,稀土掺杂氧化物光子晶体上转换发光调控研究(11504188),2016.01-2018.12,24万;

  12. 朱永胜,国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金,基于光子晶体上转换荧光增强及固态传感性质研究(U1504626), 2016.01-2018.12,28万;

  13. 何朝政,国家自然科学基金青年基金,光/电催化人工光合成晶面与界面效应的动力学研究(21603109), 2017.01-2019.12,20万;

  14. 冷玉敏,国家自然科学基金青年基金,合金纳米粒子的制备及其在重金属离子传感器构建中的应用研究(21607083) ,2017.01-2019.12,20万;

  15. 徐秀梅,国家自然科学基金青年基金,面向大气环境中低浓度臭氧检测的高性能气体传感器研究(61703216),2018.01-2020.12,22万;

  16. 惠 明,国家自然科学基金青年基金,可变脉冲激励的磁共振功放的非线性建模和预失真线性化研究(61701262),2018.01-2020.12,21万;

  17. 张颖颖,国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于超图模型和半监督集成学习的图像显著性区域检测研究(61702289),2018.01-2020.12,24万;

  18. 姬晓旭,国家自然科学基金青年基金,基底上原位生长碳材料增强的CuO/Cu2O多级阵列结构电极及在无酶葡萄传感器中的应用(51802163),2019.01-2021.12,27万;


  1. 于荣梅等,Molding hemispherical microlens arrays on flexible substrates for highly efficient inverted quantum dot light emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017 , 5 (27).

  2. 朱永胜等,Enhanced rare earth photoluminescence in inverse opal photonic crystals and its application for pH sensing, Nanotechnology, 2016 , 27 (40) :405202.

  3. 朱永胜等,Controlled size and morphology, and phase transition of YF3:Yb3+, Er3+ and YOF:Yb3+, Er3+ nanocrystals for fine color tuning [J], J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 331.

  4. 朱永胜等,Highly effective upconversion broad-band luminescence and enhancement in Dy2O3 /Au and Sm2O3 /Au composites [J], Journal of Luminescence, 2017 , 181 :352-359.

  5. 朱永胜等,Fine-tuning of multiple upconversion emissions by controlling the crystal phase and morphology between GdF3:Yb3+,Tm3+ and GdOF:Yb3+,Tm3+ nanocrystals,Rsc Advances, 2017 , 7 (5) :2426-2434.

  6. 马奔原等,Direct thermal diffusion bonding of Nd:YAG/YAG composite transparent ceramics by vacuum sintering, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017 , 37 (11) :3631-3639.

  7. 马奔原等,Hot isostatic pressing of MgAlON transparent ceramic from carbothermal powder,Ceramics International, 44(4),2018:4512-4515.

  8. 马奔原等,Pressureless sintering and fabrication of highly transparent MgAlON ceramic from the carbothermal powder,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 745(15) May 2018, Pages 617-623

  9. 冷玉敏等,Protein-directed synthesis of highly monodispersed, spherical gold nanoparticles and their applications in multidimensional sensing, Scientific Reports, 2016 , 6 :28900.

  10. 冷玉敏等,Synthesis of gold nanoparticles from Au(I) ions that shuttle to solidify: application on the sensor array design, Langmuir, 2017 , 33 (25) :6398-6403

  11. 冷玉敏等,High-yield synthesis and fine-tuning aspect ratios of (200) faceted gold nanorods by the “pH-adjusting” method, Rsc Advances, 2017 , 7 (41) :25469-25474.

  12. 徐秀梅等,Hierarchical nanorod-flowers indium oxide microspheres and their gas sensing properties, Sensors & Actuators B Chemical, 2016 , 227 :547-553.

  13. 徐秀梅等,synthesis and NO2 sensing properties of indium oxide nanorod clusters via a simple solvothermal route, Rsc Advances, 2016 , 6 (52) :47083-47088.

  14. 姬晓旭等,Facile synthesis of porous SnO2 quasi-nanospheres for photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B, Materials Letters , 2017 , 189 :58-61.

  15. 卢 成等,New insight into the structural evolution of PbTiO3: an unbiased structure search, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Pccp , 2016 , 19 (2).

  16. 张 帅等,Probing the structures, stabilities, and electronic properties of neutral and charged carbon-doped lithium CLiln(n=2–20, l= 0, +1,–1) clusters from unbiased CALYPSO method, Journal of materials science [J], Journal of Materials Science, 2016 , 51 (20) :9440-9454.

  17. 王志鹏等,Hierarchical multiple binary images encryption based on chaos and phase retrieval algorithm in Fresnel domain [J],《Laser Physics Letters》 , 2016 , 13 (3) :036201.

  18. 王志鹏等,Fully phase diffractive-imaging-based optical image encryption with random illumination,Optica Applicata, 2017 , 47 (2) :233-243

  19. 李宝磊等,On the convergence of multivariant optimization algorithm[J]. Applied Soft Computing. 2016,48:230-239.

  20. 李宝磊等,基于多元优化算法的路径规划, 电子学报, 2016 , 44 (9) :2242-2247.

  21. 张颖颖等,Saliency detection via PCA of image patches and ICA-R, Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2016 , 75 (8) :4527-4542.

  22. 张颖颖等,Saliency Detection via Sparse Reconstruction Errors of Covariance Descriptors on Riemannian Manifolds, Circuits Systems & Signal Processing, 2016 , 35 (12) :4372-4389.

  23. 张颖颖等,Two-stage sparse coding of region covariance via Log-Euclidean kernels to detect saliency, Neural Networks , 2017 , 92 :84-96

  24. 惠 明等,Time Division Polynomial Pre-distorter for Linearization of 1.5T MRI Power Amplifier,The Journal of Engineering,2017(7):391-393.

  25. 惠 明等,Modeling and linearizing broad-band power amplifier based on real and complex-valued hybrid time-delay neural network,Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2018, (2): 139-146.


  1. 宋海珍, 河南省教育厅教育优秀成果二等奖,卓越物理教师教育教学研究能力培养研究与实践, 2016.11;

  2. 王志鹏,河南省第四届自然科学学术奖-河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖壹等奖,2018;

  3. 张颖颖,河南省第四届自然科学学术奖-河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖叁等奖,2018;




  1. 何朝政等,一种纳米 TiO2 改性聚丙烯酸酯涂饰剂,2016.12(授权时间),发明专利,专利号:ZL2015100341693;

  2. 惠 明等,一种用于高场MRI高功率射频功放的数字预失真器,2018.07(授权时间),发明专利,专利号:ZL201610303672.9;

  3. 惠 明等,一种高场MRI高功率射频功放的非线性建模方法,2018.08(授权时间),发明专利,专利号:ZL201610299304.1;

  4. 何朝政等,一种物理教学用尖端放电装置, 2017.11(授权时间),实用新型专利,专利号:ZL201720251494.X;

  5. 李宝磊等,一种车辆自救装置,2017.05(授权时间),实用新型专利,专利号:ZL201621151966.6;

  6. 惠 明等,一种小型多旋翼无人机自动充电装置,2018.07(授权时间),实用新型专利,专利号:ZL201721637076.0;

  7. 惠 明等,一种基于多旋翼无人机的病虫害监测系统,2018.06(授权时间),实用新型专利,专利申请号:ZL201721634027.1;

  8. 惠 明等,一种具有充电功能的手机套,2018.07(授权时间),实用新型专利,专利号:ZL201721637077.5;
















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