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B. Larry Li 院士

发布日期:2021-12-21  文章来源:   点击数:




邮 箱:bai-lian.li@ucr.edu


2015获普利高津金奖(Prigogine Gold Medal,该奖有生态诺贝尔奖之称,每年只表彰一位对世界生态学做出卓越贡献的科学家,他是全球第12位获奖人), “生态复杂性”这一新生态学分支学科的奠基人,美国加利福尼亚大学河滨分校生态学终身教授,国际生态与可持续发展研究中心主任,美国农业部-中国科技部农业生态与可持续发展联合研究中心共同主任;《Ecological Complexity》(Elsevier)创刊主编,《Journal of Arid Land》(Springer)杂志联合创刊主编;美国人类生态研究院院士(IHE Fellow),俄罗斯科学院外籍院士,美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow),德稻生态学大师,世界生态高峰理事会主席,国际生态技术产业联合会执行主席.在包括Nature、Science、PNAS等权威性学术刊物发表论文260篇,论文引用H指数54。







1. 绿水青山的国家战略、生态技术及经济学江苏凤凰科学技术出版社,2019

2. Effects of agricultural intensification on ability of natural enemies to control aphids Scientific reports,2017

3. Interactions of Multiple Atmospheric Circulation Drive the Drought in Tarim River Basin Scientific Reports, 2016

4. Approaches and mechanisms for ecologically based pest management across multiple scales Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,2016

5. Spectral entropy, ecological resilience, and adaptive capacity for understanding, evaluating, and managing ecosystem stability and change,Global Change Biology,2015

6. Use of ecological indicators in models,Ecological Modelling,2015




普利高津金奖(Prigogine Gold Medal),2015

Prof. Dr. B. Larry Li

Prof. Dr. B. Larry Li is a Professor of Ecology and Directors of International Center for Ecology and Sustainability, and U.S. Department of Agriculture-China MOST Joint Research Center for Agro-Ecology and Sustainability at University of California-Riverside with a broad interdisciplinary background and experience in mathematical, statistical and computational modeling applications in ecological and environmental studies. He published more than 250 refereed journal articles, 30 book chapters and proceedings papers, and 11 books or edited special issues. Among his many honors and awards, he was elected to be Honorary Member of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences (2005), IHE Fellow (1988), AAAS Fellow (2006), DeTao Master of Ecology (2013), Honorary Director-General of the Three Gorges Institute of Ecology and the Environment (Chinese Academy of Sciences) (2018), and received 2015 Prigogine Gold Medal (only one leading scientist per year to be awarded in ecological systems internationally). He is also Founding Editor-in-Chief of two international journals: Ecological Complexity (Elsevier) and Journal of Arid Land (Springer Nature). He chaired and co-chaired the successful Beijing Eco-Summit 2007 and Eco-Summit 2012, Columbus, Ohio. He now chairs Eco-Summit Foundation.